Currency: Kwanza
Timezone: UTC+1
Major Cities: Luanda
Angola is a Southern African country sharing its borders with the South Atlantic Ocean and four countries namely the Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Namibia, and Zambia. The country has a semi-arid climate and a terrain consisting of coastal plains and plateaus in the interior. It has a population of approximately 33 million people. The major ethnic groups in the country are the Ovimbundu, Kimbundu and Bakongo, which respectively account for 37 per cent, 25 per cent and 13 per cent of the country’s population. Portuguese is the official language of the country, spoken alongside the indigenous local languages.
The country operates a presidential republic system of government, administratively divided into 18 provinces, including Luanda the capital of the country. Agriculture and oil are the main economic drivers. The agricultural sector employs 85 per cent of the labor force, while the oil sector accounts for 50 per cent of the country’s Gross Domestic Product, 70 per cent of general government revenue and 90 per cent of foreign exchange earnings. Other sources of foreign exchange earnings for the economy include the exports of diamonds, coffee, fish, timber, and cotton. Corruption in the extractive sector and high rates of poverty are significant challenges.
Decreto Presidencial n. 122/22 - Aprova o Plano Geral de Desenvolvimento e Utilização dos Recursos Hídricos da Bacia Hidrográfica do Cuanza — PGDURHBH Cuanza
Angola, Ministry of Energy and Water
Angola • 2022 • Utilities
Decreto Presidencial n. 81/22 - Aprova o Plano Geral de Desenvolvimento e Utilização dos Recursos Hídricos da Bacia Hidrográfica do Zambeze, abreviadamente, (PGDURHBH Zambeze)
Angola, Ministry of Energy and Water
Angola • 2022 • Utilities
Decreto Presidencial n. 37/21 - Política Nacional da Acção Social
Angola, Ministry of Social Action, Family and Gender Promotion
Angola • 2021 • Humanitarian Affairs
Decreto Presidencial n. 20/21 - Aprova o Plano Rodoviário de Angola (PRA)
Angola, Ministry of Economy and Planning
Angola • 2021 • Economy
COVID-19 Rules -Presidential Decree No. 10/21 of January 8, 2021
Angola, Ministry of Health
Angola • 2021 • Health
Presidential Decree No. 46/21 of 23 February 2021
Angola, Ministry of Environment
Angola • 2021 • Environment and Climate Change
Regulation on the Recognition Of Civil Legal Personality of Canonal Legal Entities -Executive Decree No. 509/21 Of October 11 2021
Angola, Ministry of Justice
Angola • 2021 • Justice
Decreto Presidencial n. 227/20 - Plano Integrado de Aceleração da Agricultura e Pesca Familiar 2020/2022 (PIAAPF-2020/2022)
Angola, Ministry of Agriculture
Angola • 2020 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Decreto Presidencial n. 282/20 - Aprova a Estratégia de Exploração de Hidrocarbonetos de Angola 2020-2025
Angola, Ministry of Mineral Resources, Petroleum and Gas
Angola • 2020 • Land, Housing and Natural Resources
Decreto Presidencial n. 253/20 - Aprova a Política Nacional de Medicina Tradicional e Complementar
Angola, Ministry of Health
Angola • 2020 • Health
Decreto Presidencial n. 123/20 - Aprova o Programa Integrado de Desenvolvimento do Comércio Rural (PIDCR)
Angola, Ministry of Industry and Commerce
Angola • 2020 • Trade, Industry and Investment
Decreto Presidencial n. 125/20 - Programa de Fortalecimento da Protecção Social - Transferências Sociais Monetárias (KWENDA)
Angola, Ministry of Social Action, Family and Gender Promotion
Angola • 2020 • Humanitarian Affairs
Angolan Penal Code -Law No. 38/20 of 11 November 2020
Angola, Ministry of Justice
Angola • 2020 • Justice
Decreto Presidencial 29/19 - Aprova o Plano de Ordenamento de Pescas e da Aquicultura para o quinquénio 2018-2022.
Angola, Ministry of Agriculture
Angola • 2019 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Decreto Presidencial n. 140/20 - Aprovação da Estratégia Nacional de Saneamento Total liderada pelas Comunidades e Escolas em Angola 2019-2030 (ENSTLCEA)
Angola, Ministry of Health
Angola • 2019 • Health
Decreto Presidencial n. 52/19 - Aprova a Estrátegia Geral de Atribuição de Concessões Petróliferas para o período 2019-2025
Angola, Ministry of Energy and Water
Angola • 2019 • Energy
Decreto Presidencial n. 26/20 - Aprova a Estratégia Nacional e Plano de Acção da Biodiversidade, 2019-2025.
Angola, Ministry of Environment
Angola • 2019 • Environment and Climate Change
Decreto Presidencial n. 140/18 - Aprova o Programa Integrado de Desenvolvimento Local e Combate à Pobreza 2018
Angola, Ministry of Economy and Planning
Angola • 2018 • Economy
Decreto Presidencial 313/20 - Plano de Desenvolvimento Nacional 2018-2022 (Revisto)
Angola, Ministry of Economy and Planning
Angola • 2018 • Economy
Decreto Presidencial n. 126/17 - Aprova o Plano Nacional da Água (PNA).
Angola, Ministry of Energy and Water
Angola • 2017 • Utilities