287 Results Found
Coordinated Programme of Economic and Social Development Policies (2017-2024)
Ghana, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning
The Programme of Economic and Social Development Policies is in fulfilment of Article 36 (5) of the Constitution of Ghana that emphasises that within two years after assuming office, the President shall present to Parliament a coordinated programme of economic and social development policies, including agricultural and industrial programmes at all levels and in all the regions of Ghana. The policies, themed “Agenda for Change” prioritises four key goals: Creating opportunities for all Ghanaians; Safeguarding the natural environment and ensuring a resilient built environment; Maintaining a stable, united and safe country; and Building a prosperous nation.
Ghana • 2017 • Economy
The Millennium Development Authority (Amendment) Act
Ghana, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning
The act amends the Millennium Development Authority Act of 2006 to make further provisions for the implementation of the terms of the compact.
Ghana • 2006 • Economy
Ghana: Vision 2020
Ghana, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning
Vision 2020 represents the national coordinating policy of Ghana for a 25 year period (1996 through 2020). The overall objective of the Vision 2020 is to become a middle-income country by 2020, prioritising human development, economic growth, rural development, urban development and an enabling environment. Food and nutrition security (reduction of infant, child, maternal, and women mortality) and access to health services, safe drinking water and sanitation will be improved especially among poor and disadvantaged groups in society.
Ghana • 1995 • Economy
The Millennium Development Authority Act
Ghana, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning
The Act establishes the Millennium Development Authority to facilitate the implementation of the Ghana Programme under the Millennium Challenge Account for the sustainable reduction of poverty through growth. The charge is contained in the agreement between the Government of Ghana and the Millennium Challenge Corporation acting for and on behalf of the Government of the United States of America.
Ghana • 2006 • Economy
Decreto Presidencial 313/20 - Plano de Desenvolvimento Nacional 2018-2022 (Revisto)
Angola, Ministry of Economy and Planning
This decree approves the Revised National Development Plan (NDP) 2018-2022. The NDP 2018-2022 is the second medium-term planning exercise carried out under the National Planning System in force and aims to promote the development socio-economic and territorial context of the country.
Angola • 2018 • Economy
Decreto Presidencial n. 20/21 - Aprova o Plano Rodoviário de Angola (PRA)
Angola, Ministry of Economy and Planning
This Presidential Decree approves National Road Plan of Angola (PRA).
Angola • 2021 • Economy
Decreto Presidencial n. 140/18 - Aprova o Programa Integrado de Desenvolvimento Local e Combate à Pobreza 2018
Angola, Ministry of Economy and Planning
This Decree approves the Integrated Programme for Local Development and the Fight against poverty 2018. The primary objective of the Integrated Programme for Local Development is to promote local development and combat poverty.
Angola • 2018 • Economy