487 Results Found

Sector Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation

Kenya, Ministry of Education

The government considers the establishment of science, technology and innovation institutions through some science, technology and innovation policies and science, technology and innovation Act to bolster the science, technology and innovation sector. The six chapters of this document address: the situational analysis of current status of the science, technology and innovation sector; programmes and projects that relate to the identified priority areas; policy and legal reforms for implementation of the 2nd medium-term plan programmes; implementation matrix and evaluation framework.

Kenya 2013 Education

The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Act, 2013

Kenya, Ministry of Education

Parliamentary Act to provide for the establishment of a technical and vocational education and training system; to provide for the governance and management of institutions offering technical and vocational education and training; to provide for coordinated assessment, examination and certification; to institute a mechanism for promoting access and equity in training; to assure standards, quality and relevance; and for connected purposes.

Kenya 2013 Education

The National Special Needs Education Policy Framework

Kenya, Ministry of Education

To achieve a society in which all citizens regardless of their disabilities and special needs have access to education to realize their full potential, the national Special Needs Education (SNE) has the objective to promote awareness on the educational needs and capabilities of people with disabilities and facilitate inclusion of children with special needs.

Kenya 2009 Education

A Policy Framework for Education, Training and Research

Kenya, Ministry of Education

This policy framework for education, training and research addresses the introduction, the macroeconomic context, philosophy, vision, mission, goals and objectives of education and training, early childhood development and education, management and planning of education and training.

Kenya 2005 Education

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Strategic Plan

Kenya, Ministry of Education

This strategic plan has been developed in line with the new mandate of the ministry given upon its creation in March 2013, covering the basic, tertiary and university education, technical education, continuing education and learning, and science, technology and innovation. This document introduces the role of ministry in addressing national challenges, detail of the ministry’s performance in the recent year and strategic model to be adopted for implementation of the proposed plan.

Kenya 2013 Education

The Science, Technology and Innovation Act, 2013

Kenya, Ministry of Education

This is an Act to facilitate the promotion, coordination and regulation of the progress of science, technology and innovation of the country; to assign priority to the development of science, technology and innovation; to entrench science, technology and innovation into the national production system and for connected purposes. Key points of the act include the establishment of advisory research committees, licensing of research and the establishment of the agency and national research fund.

Kenya 2013 Education

National Education Sector Plan(NESP) Volume Two: Operational Plan

Kenya, Ministry of Education

The National Education Sector Plan (NESP) was developed to achieve the establishment of an administration that ensures equal access to basic education, school system that delivers the compulsory core curriculum and a tertiary educational structure that fosters academic quality, rigour and research necessary for a knowledge-based society and successful economy.

Kenya 2013 Education

Safety Standards Manual For Schools in Kenya

Kenya, Ministry of Education

The objective of this manual is to create a safe and secure environment that facilitates quality teaching in all Kenyan schools. Highlights of the manual include introduction to school safety, importance of safe schools, indicators of school safety, safety standards and guidelines and monitoring and evaluation of the school Safety programme.

Kenya 2008 Education

National Education Sector Plan (NESP) Volume One: Basic Education Programme Rationale and Approach.

Kenya, Ministry of Education

The plan focuses on the urgent need to enrol all students in basic education, raise literacy and numeracy levels, create a teacher education and development programme for basic education (pre-service), teacher education and development programme for basic education (in-service), and Information Communication Technology (ICT) for education and training. It also reviews macroeconomic performance from 2008 to 2012, the inputs expenditure estimates and trends in key indicators of education in Kenya.

Kenya 2013 Education

Early Childhood Development Service Standard Guidelines

Kenya, Ministry of Education

These guidelines ensure that quality educational services are rendered in every early child development center; they also provide standards for quality & inclusive ECD services, management, supervision and accountability of early childhood development programmes for children in Kenya.

Kenya 2006 Education

National School Meals And Nutrition Strategy 2017–2022

Kenya, Ministry of Education

The National School Meals and Nutrition Strategy was developed to guide the implementation of Kenya’s school meals initiatives at pre-primary and primary schools, abiding by the broad national goals stipulated in the country’s Vision 2030 and in line with the Kenyan constitution (2010). It builds upon relevant policies and laws that relate to the education, health and nutrition of Kenyan school children, as well as the development of smallholder farmers. It envisages a robust, nationally owned, sustainable and cost-effective set of school meal initiatives that will address the key outcomes of different sectors, such as enrolment, retention and transition rates, food and nutrition insecurity, and health and hygiene practices.

Kenya 2017 Education

Kenya Literature Bureau Act

Kenya, Ministry of Education

This is a parliamentary Act that establishes the Kenya literature bureau. The functions of the Bureau shall be to carry on the business of publishing, printing and distributing literary, educational, cultural and scientific books, periodicals, journals, magazines, digital and electronic materials and works of every description.

Kenya 2012 Education

Kenya National Examinations Council Act

Kenya, Ministry of Education

An Act of parliament to provide for the establishment, powers and functions of the Kenya national examinations council and the conduct of examinations, to provide for the repeal of the Kenya national examinations council act, and for connected purposes.

Kenya 2012 Education

Kenya National Library Service Board Act

Kenya, Ministry of Education

This is a parliamentary Act that establishes the Kenya national library service board and to provide for matters incidental thereto and connected therewith. The functions of the board shall be functions of the board shall be to promote, establish, equip, manage, maintain and develop libraries in Kenya as a national library service, to advise the government, local authorities and other public bodies on all matters relating to library, documentation and related services.

Kenya 1986 Education

Kenya National Qualifications Framework Act

Kenya, Ministry of Education

This is a parliamentary Act that establishes the Kenya national qualifications authority; to provide for the development of a Kenya qualifications framework and for connected purposes.

Kenya 2014 Education

Kenya School of Government Act

Kenya, Ministry of Education

An Act of parliament to establish the Kenya school of government as a successor to the Kenya institute of administration and the Kenya development learning centre, to provide for the powers, functions and administration of the school, and for connected purposes.

Kenya 2012 Education

Borstal Institutions Act

Kenya, Ministry of Education

This is a parliamentary Act that makes provision for the establishment of borstal institutions for youthful offenders and for the detention of youthful offenders therein, and for connected purposes.

Kenya 1991 Education

Kenya School of Law Act

Kenya, Ministry of Education

An Act of parliament to provide for the establishment, powers and functions of the Kenya school of law and for connected purposes. The school shall have the power to establish and manage a centre for research and training in legal education for the furtherance of the objectives of the school.

Kenya 2012 Education

Children Act 2001

Kenya, Ministry of Education

An Act of parliament to make provision for parental responsibility, fostering, adoption, custody, maintenance, guardianship, care and protection of children; to make provision for the administration of children’s institutions; to give effect to the principles of the convention on the rights of the child and the African charter on the rights and welfare of the child and for connected purposes.

Kenya 2001 Education