435 Results Found
Botswana Geoscience Institute Act
Botswana, Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism
This is an Act for the establishment of the Botswana Geoscience Institute for research purposes in geoscience and the exploration of minerals in Botswana and for other related matters.
Botswana • 2014 • Environment and Climate Change
Ozone Depleting Substances (Ods) Regulations
Botswana, Ministry of Enviroment, Wildlife & Tourism
These regulations put certain control measures in place. The control measures include Prohibition of importation or exportation of controlled substances, prohibition of importation, exportation or dealing after prohibition date, and prohibition of the importation of aerosols among others. it also provides guidelines regulating permits.
Botswana • 2014 • Environment and Climate Change
Local Authorities Procurement And Asset Disposal Act
Botswana, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism
This is an act to provide for the appointment of procuring and disposal committees in local authorities, the establishment of a Competent Authority to monitor procurement processes in local authorities and to provide for the procurement of works, supplies and services, for the disposal of public assets by local authorities and related matters.
Botswana • 2008 • Environment and Climate Change
Petroleum (Exploration And Production) Act
Botswana, Ministry of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas
This is an Act to make provision relating to the exploration for and exploitation of petroleum resources and for purposes incidental thereto.
Botswana • 1983 • Environment and Climate Change
National Disaster Risk Managent Plan
Botswana, Ministry of Enviroment, Wildlife & Tourism
This plan is a step toward achieving Sustainable Development by ensuring disaster risk reduction implementation in the country. it addresses issues relating to man-made and natural hazards it provides a framework that guides stakeholders in all sectors in preparing their disaster risk reduction and emergency management plan.
Botswana • 2009 • Environment and Climate Change
National Policy on Disaster Management
Botswana, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism
This policy establishes optimum systems for dealing with disasters other than drought/famine in Botswana. The policy relates to the following; floods, veld fires, pest infestations, epidemics, animal disease, severe weather (including hailstorms and lightning strikes), refugee influxes, transport accidents, industrial explosion, urban fires, industrial pollution and chemical spillage.
Botswana • 1996 • Environment and Climate Change
Environmental Impact Assessment Act
Botswana, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism
Botswana • • Environment and Climate Change
Natural Resources Protection (Model) Bye-Laws
Botswana, Ministry of Enviroment, Wildlife & Tourism
It is stipulated that No person shall remove any natural resource from Council Areas except under the terms and conditions of a removal of permit”. The bye-laws contain an outline of the permit application and issuance procedures.”””
Botswana • 1992 • Environment and Climate Change
Environmental Assessment Subsidiary Legislation
Botswana, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism
The Environmental Assessment Regulations. In this legislation, mass media include publicly exhibited posters, newspaper, radio, television, or other electronic media used for public communications. These regulations provide for the registration and certification of practitioners.
Botswana • 2016 • Environment and Climate Change
Environmental Assessment Act
Botswana, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism
This Act established the Environmental Assessment Practitioner Board. It is an Act to provide for environmental impact assessment to be used to assess the potential effect of planned developmental activities to determine and to provide mitigation measures for the effects of such activities on the environment.
Botswana • 2011 • Environment and Climate Change
Environmental Assessment Regulations
Botswana, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism
These regulations provide for the environment plan and the registration, certification of practitioners and compliance with the code of conduct.
Botswana • 2012 • Environment and Climate Change
National Biodiversity Strategy and Acon Plan
Botswana, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism
The strategy is been revised to bring it in line with the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). It also looks into the institutional framework supporting biodiversity conservation.
Botswana • 2016 • Environment and Climate Change
Botswana Strategy for Waste Management
Botswana, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism
This strategy was established for managing waste. And to ensure the sustainable and environmentally sound management of waste which would endure preservation, protection and improvement of the quality of the environment
Botswana • 1998 • Environment and Climate Change
Presidential Decree No. 46/21 of 23 February 2021
Angola, Ministry of Environment
This decree approves the opening of additional supplementary credit for public cleaning services and solid waste collection in the Province of Luanda.
Angola • 2021 • Environment and Climate Change
Decreto Presidencial n. 26/20 - Aprova a Estratégia Nacional e Plano de Acção da Biodiversidade, 2019-2025.
Angola, Ministry of Environment
This Decree approves the National Strategy and Biodiversity Action Plan 2019-2025. The primary aim of the action plan is to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of Biodiversity components, considering the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the use of biological resources as well as conservation actions, preservation, protection and restoration of Biodiversity in Angola.
Angola • 2019 • Environment and Climate Change