487 Results Found
Counselors and Psychologists Act
Kenya, Ministry of Education
An Act of Parliament to provide for the training, registration, licensing, practice and standards of counselors and psychologists and for connected purposes. It establishes a board known as the counsellors and psychologists board to administer such examinations as may be necessary to determine whether persons are qualified for registration under this Act.
Kenya • 2014 • Education
Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development Act, 2013
Kenya, Ministry of Education
An Act of parliament to establish the Kenya institute of curriculum development, to establish the governing council for the institute and for connected purposes. It establishes a council to be known as the governing council of the institute enter into any arrangement with education and training institutions or professional organizations, whether within or outside Kenya.
Kenya • 2013 • Education
Public Policy Research and Analysis Act, 2006
Kenya, Ministry of Education
An Act of parliament to establish the Kenya Institute for public policy research and analysis, to provide for its incorporation, powers and functions, and for connected purposes. The objective and purpose for which the Institute is established is to develop human and institutional capacities which shall, by undertaking economic forecasting, policy analysis and research, contribute to the formulation of medium and long-term strategic perspective for the economic and social development of Kenya in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
Kenya • 2006 • Education
Kenya Literature Bureau Act
Kenya, Ministry of Education
This is a parliamentary Act that establishes the Kenya literature bureau. The functions of the Bureau shall be to carry on the business of publishing, printing and distributing literary, educational, cultural and scientific books, periodicals, journals, magazines, digital and electronic materials and works of every description.
Kenya • 2012 • Education
Kenya National Examinations Council Act
Kenya, Ministry of Education
An Act of parliament to provide for the establishment, powers and functions of the Kenya national examinations council and the conduct of examinations, to provide for the repeal of the Kenya national examinations council act, and for connected purposes.
Kenya • 2012 • Education
Universities Act, Revised 2020
Kenya, Ministry of Education
This is an Act of Parliament for the development of university education; for the establishment, accreditation, and governance of universities; for the establishment of the Commission for University Education, the Universities Funding Board, and the Kenya University and Colleges Central Placement Service Board.
Kenya • 2020 • Education
Technical and Vocational Education and Training Act
Kenya, Ministry of Education
This is an Act of Parliament for the establishment of technical and vocational education; to provide for the governance and management of institutions offering technical and vocational education, and for all other connected purposes.
Kenya • 2013 • Education
Teachers Service Commission Act
Kenya, Ministry of Education
This is an Act of Parliament stating the provision for the Teachers Service Commission established under Article 237 of the Constitution, its composition; functions and powers; the qualifications and procedure for appointment of members.
Kenya • 2012 • Education
Education Strategic Plan (ESP 2010-2020) Volume 2
Ghana, Ministry of Education
This represents Volume 2 of the ESP 2010-2020, highlighting strategies and work programmes. It aims to ensure integration of investment in education with national and regional policies and efforts. The plan is to assist in implementing the broader ESP policy, and offer technical support and assistance to stakeholders.
Ghana • 2012 • Education
Education Strategic Plan (ESP 2010-2020) Volume 1
Ghana, Ministry of Education
Volume 1 of the ESP 2010-2020 highlights the policy briefs, strategies, deliveries, and finance. It spells out the Government’s education sector plan for the decade. The fifth instalment of the ESP has 10 policy goals for the education sector: increase access, improve quality, extend and improve TVET, promote health/ sanitation in institutions, improve planning and management, expand science and technology education, improve academic quality and research, expand pre-school education, promote programmes to prevent HIV & AIDS, and to provide equal opportunities.
Ghana • 2012 • Education
ICT in Education Policy
Ghana, Ministry of Education
The government pushes to leverage on ICT in its drive to ensure equitable access to quality education in the country. The three pillars on which it rests are: ICT as a learning and operating tool, integration of ICT into teaching and learning processes, and ICT as a career option for students.
Ghana • 2015 • Education
Inclusive Education Policy (Implementation Plan) 2015-2019
Ghana, Ministry of Education
The plan serves as an overview of the policy, detailing the expected deliverables over the five year period.
Ghana • 2015 • Education
Standards and Guidelines for Practice of Inclusive Education in Ghana
Ghana, Ministry of Education
The guidelines on inclusive education serve as a reference to all stakeholders as an effort to ensure a barrier-free learning environment in public and private schools. It provides assistance and guidance to educational institutions in their provision of minimum access required in various types of school buildings, gadgets, learning equipment and materials, as well as curriculum and pedagogy for the practice of Inclusive Education.
Ghana • 2015 • Education
Inclusive Education Policy
Ghana, Ministry of Education
The policy leverages on inputs from a wide range of national and international stakeholders in defining the path of the government towards ensuring equitable access to quality education for all in Ghana, without discrimination or exclusion of any form.
Ghana • 2015 • Education
Education Strategic Plan (2018-2030)
Ghana, Ministry of Education
This instalment of the ESP is based on three objectives: improved equitable access to and participation in inclusive education at all levels, improved quality of teaching and learning and STEM at all levels, and sustainable and efficient management, financing and accountability of education service delivery. Along with the Education Sector Medium Term Development Plan 2018-2021, the ESP charts the long term path and aspirations for the education sector.
Ghana • 2018 • Education
Education Sector Medium Term Development Plan (2018-2021)
Ghana, Ministry of Education
The Development Plan was conceived alongside the 2018-2030 Education Strategic Plan and the Education Sector Analysis. The plans chart the course of the education sector, as it propels Ghana towards its vision of becoming a learning nation.
Ghana • 2018 • Education
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Act
Ghana, Ministry of Environment, Science Technology and Innovation
The Act sees to the establishment of the Scientific and Industrial Research Council. Its core functions include: taking charge of implementing government policies and plans on scientific research and development, advisory services on scientific advancements important to the country, and coordinating all scientific research in the country, for efficient use of resources.
Ghana • 1996 • Education
Education and Training Policy
Ethiopia, Ministry of Education
This policy highlights the various roles education can play in shaping society’s values and perceptions in Ethiopia. It discusses the current multifaceted problems facing the education sector which has prevented it from maximizing its potential. The policy encompasses the overall and specific objectives, and implementation strategies to ensure access to both formal and non-formal education at all levels is guaranteed.
Ethiopia • 1994 • Education
Technical and Vocational Education and Training Proclamation
Council of Ministers/Ministry of Education, Ethiopia
This proclamation aligns itself with this opportunity and seeks to prepare a national professional standard under the technical and vocational education and training system. This standard hopes to put in place an occupational competence assessment system through which members of society obtain skill through different means”.”””
Ethiopia • 2016 • Education
Capacity Building Strategy and Program (Amharic)
Education, Ethiopia
***document in Amharic language.
Ethiopia • 1994 • Education