390 Results Found

Basic Education Act (no 14)

Kenya, Ministry of Education

An Act to give effect to article 53 of the constitution and other enabling provisions; to promote and regulate free and compulsory basic education; to provide for accreditation, registration, governance and management of institutions of basic education; to provide for the establishment of the national education board, the education standards and quality assurance commission, and the county education board and for connected purposes.

Kenya 2013 Education

Policy on Mentorship and Coaching in the Teaching Service

Kenya, Ministry of Education

The main objective of this policy by the Teachers Service Commission is to improve professional conduct, enhance performance, enhance the quality of teaching and for the attainment of better learning outcome through mentorship and coaching in the teaching service.

Kenya 2020 Education

The Teachers Service Commission Act, 2012

Kenya, Ministry of Education

This an Act for the establishment of the Teachers Service Commission outlining the composition, function, responsibilities, powers, management, registration and discipline of teachers, compliance with teaching standards, financial provisions, penalties for breach of regulations, and other related matters.

Kenya 2012 Education

Integrity Policy

Kenya, Ministry of Education

This policy outlines the guidelines on corruption prevention measures by employees in their delivery of service to the public with the goal of promoting good governance, transparency and accountability in public service delivery.

Kenya 2019 Education

The Teachers Service Commission Regulations (Code of Conduct and Ethics for Teachers)

Kenya, Ministry of Education

These regulations contains the code of conduct and ethics for teachers such as duty to protect children; professionalism; conflict of interest; care of public property; evaluation of leaners; sexual relations with learners; sexual harassment; relationship with fellow employees; financial dealings and private affairs; official activities; canvassing for favour in service; and other related matters.

Kenya 2015 Education

Strategic Plan for 2019-2023

Kenya, Ministry of Education

The goal of this strategic plan is for the development of the educational sector. The objectives of this plan include: to improve teaching standards in public educational institutions; to enhance professionalism and integrity in the educational sector; to ensure efficiency in the use of teaching resources; to integrate ICT in curriculum delivery; and to improve efficiency and effectiveness of the Teachers Service Commission.

Kenya 2019 Education

The Teachers Service Commission Code of Regulations Teachers

Kenya, Ministry of Education

These regulations cover: registration of teachers; development, review, and maintenance of entry and performance standards; recruitment, appointment and condition of service of teachers; promotion of teachers; leave; medical benefits; discipline; exit from the teaching service; pensions, gratuities and other benefits; and other related matters.

Kenya 2015 Education

Biosafety Act

Kenya, Ministry of Education

Parliamentary Act that regulates activities in genetically modified organisms and establishes the national biosafety authority. The Act provides for the establishment of authority, applications for approval & risk assessment, regulatory agencies, inspection and monitoring.

Kenya 2019 Education

Performance Recognition, Reward and Sanction Policy Framework for the Teaching Service

Kenya, Ministry of Education

The main objective of this policy is to reinforce and encourage teachers in their duties so as to ensure the attainment of the goals of the Teachers Service Commission. The policy is aimed at: ensure reward and sanction system for effective service delivery; enhance productivity of teachers; promote good work ethics among teachers; recognize and support meritocracy to prevent poor performance; and to retain high performing teachers in the public sector.

Kenya 2018 Education

Policy on Customer Service and Information Management

Kenya, Ministry of Education

The main goal of this policy is for efficient and effective communication and information management to ensure better public service delivery by the Teachers Service Commission. The policy applies to all employees of the commission, customers and agents.

Kenya 2018 Education

Policy on Employee Wellbeing

Kenya, Ministry of Education

This policy provides the institutional and operational framework to protect the wellbeing of employees in other to improve their productivity. The policy applies to all employees of the Teachers Service Commission and addresses challenges and issues affecting their wellbeing.

Kenya 2018 Education

Policy on the Management of Salary Overpayment

Kenya, Ministry of Education

The goal of this policy is to address issues of salary overpayment in the Teachers Service Commission through prevention, control, recovery and sanctions.

Kenya 2020 Education

Basic Education Regulations 2015

Kenya, Ministry of Education

Parliamentary Act to give effect to article 53 of the constitution and other enabling provisions to promote and regulate free and compulsory basic education, provide for accreditation, registration, governance and management of institutions of basic education; to provide for the establishment of the national education board, the education standards and the county education board.

Kenya 2015 Education

Competency Based Education and Training Policy Framework

Kenya, Ministry of Education

Competency-based education and training policy aim to improve Kenyans’ access to certification and formal recognition for their traditional apprenticeships as it involves the training of individuals to be able to perform to the standards required in employment, in an agreed range of contexts, repeatedly over time. The framework is designed to meet the high-quality demands of industry and business.

Kenya 2018 Education

Education for Sustainable Development Policy for the Education Sector

Kenya, Ministry of Education

The essence of this policy is to remodify the objective of education, from transformational education that focuses on only learning content, to achieving societal transformation by enhancing public understanding and awareness while also building capacities of educators and trainers.

Kenya 2017 Education

Education and Training Sector Gender Policy (second edition)

Kenya, Ministry of Education

The overall goal of the policy is to promote gender equality in the education sector to empower women and contribute to national development. The main goal is to eliminate the gender inequalities in access to education in Kenya.

Kenya 2015 Education

Mentorship Policy for Early Learning & Basic Education

Kenya, Ministry of Education

This policy has an overall goal to provide a framework for the provision of mentorship services in basic education institutions. It provides in-depth information on mentorship services.

Kenya 2019 Education