390 Results Found

Public Service Training and Development Policy

Ministry of Education, Zambia

This policy aims to train future public workers for effective public service delivery; ensure higher caliber of staff in the public sector; and ensure public workers continuously learn, innovate and grow.

Zambia 1993 Education

Guidelines for the Re-entry Policy

Ministry of Education, Zambia

The main goal of this policy is to ensure gender equity in the education sector by addressing issues affecting girl child education such as teenage pregnancy.

Zambia 1997 Education

National Implementation Framework: 2008 - 2010

Ministry of Education, Zambia

The vision of this policy is to achieve an innovative and productive life-long education and training accessible to all by 2030. The overall goal of the policy is for equitable accessible education and skills training opportunities for sustainable livelihood and development in Zambia.

Zambia 2008 Education

Orphans and Vulnerable Learners' Bursary Scheme Guidelines

Ministry of Education, Zambia

These guidelines aim to: improve education for vulnerable groups; improve completion rates for vulnerable learners; improve the completion rate of females in secondary schools; and ensure gender equity in the education system.

Zambia 2001 Education

National Policy on Education

Ministry of Education, Zambia

The formulation of this policy is guided by the principles of decentralization, liberalization, equality, equity, partnership and accountability. The overall purpose of the policy is the provision of education for all Zambians.

Zambia 1996 Education

Implementation Plan for the National Higher Education Policy

Ministry of Education, Zambia

This document is a guide for the implementation of the National Higher Education Policy with clear linkage of strategic objectives, measures, activities and strategies of the implementation of the policy.

Zambia 2019 Education

Integrated Education Sector Investment Programme Policy Framework

Ministry of Education, Zambia

This policy aims to integrate policies, programmes and projects related to education and training in both private and public sectors with the goal of improving equity, equality, quality and cost-effectiveness in the provision of education and training.

Zambia 1996 Education

National Higher Education Policy

Ministry of Education, Zambia

This policy aims to coordinate, regulate and improve higher education and skills training in Zambia. Some measures outlined by the policy include human resource development; improving the quality of higher education institutions; capacity building for universities through loans; promoting innovation and research in higher education; and promoting the learning of science, technology, engineering and mathematics in higher education institutions.

Zambia 2019 Education

University Act

Ministry of Education, Zambia

This Act provides for the establishment, regulation, control and functions of public universities. It provides for the registration and regulation of private universities and repeals the University of Zambia Act, 1987.

Zambia 1992 Education

Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies Act

Ministry of Education, Zambia

An Act to constitute the Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies; to establish the Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies Board; to define the functions and powers of the Centre and the Board and to provide for related matters.

Zambia 1989 Education

Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Act 1998

Ministry of Education, Zambia

An Act to establish the Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Authority and to define its functions; to provide for the establishment of government institutions of technical education, vocational and Entrepreneurship training; to constitute management boards for institutions established under the Act and provide for their composition; to regulate all institutions providing technical education, vocational and entrepreneurship training to repeal the Technical Education and Vocational Training Act 1972; and to provide for related matters.

Zambia 1998 Education

The Engineering Institute of Zambia Act 2010

Ministry of Education, Zambia

An Act to continue the existence of the Engineering Institution of Zambia. It provides for the registration of engineering professionals, engineering units and engineering organisations and regulate their professional conduct; repeals the Engineering Institution of Zambia Act, 1992; and provides for related matters.

Zambia 2010 Education

The Education Act (2011)

Ministry of Education, Zambia

An Act to regulate the provision of accessible, equitable and qualitative education and to provide for the establishment, regulation, organization, governance, management and funding of educational institutions. It also provides for the establishment of education boards and for their functions and domesticates the Convention on the Rights of the Child in relation to education, repeals and replaces the Education Act, 1966, and the African Education Act, 1951.

Zambia 2011 Education

The Teaching Profession Act 2013

Ministry of Education, Zambia

An Act to establish the Teaching Council of Zambia and define its functions and powers and to provide for the regulation of teachers, their practice and professional conduct; provide for the accreditation and regulation of colleges of education

Zambia 2013 Education

The Higher Education Act 2013

Ministry of Education, Zambia

An Act to provide for the establishment of the Higher Education Authority and define its functions and powers. It provides for quality assurance and quality promotion in higher education and provides for the establishment, governance and the regulation of public higher education institutions. It also provides for the registration and regulation of private higher education institutions; repeals and replaces the University Act, 1999.

Zambia 2013 Education

National Education Policy Act, 1996 (Admission Policy For Ordinary Public Schools

National Department of Basic Education, South Africa

The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework to all provincial departments of education and governing bodies of public schools for developing the admission policy of the school. The document details the age requirement for admission to ordinary public schools, which applies uniformly in all provincial departments of education and ordinary public schools.

South Africa 1996 Education