374 Results Found
Regulations for the Management of the Uthukela Marine Protected Area
Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa
The Uthukela marine protected area contains two inshore restricted zones, two inshore controlled zones, one offshore controlled-pelagic line fish zone, three offshore controlled zones, and one offshore restricted zones; which are all determined using the World Geodetic System (WGS) of 1984. The regulations stipulate that no scientific research within the protected area shall be carried out except with a research permit issued by the Minister. It lists out the general restrictions within the protected area.
South Africa • 2019 • Environment and Climate Change
Notice Declaring the Uthukela Marine Protected Area
Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa
The notice declares the Uthukela marine protected area under Section 22a of the national environmental management: protected areas act of 2003 marine living resources act of 1998. The boundaries of the marine protected areas are specified.
South Africa • 2019 • Environment and Climate Change
Regulations for the Management of the Port Elizabeth Corals Marine Protected Area
Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa
The entire Port Elizabeth Corals marine protected area is zoned as a single restricted zone, which is determined using the World Geodetic System (WGS) of 1984. The regulations stipulate that no scientific research within the protected area shall be carried out except with a research permit issued by the Minister. It lists out the general restrictions within the protected area.
South Africa • 2019 • Environment and Climate Change
Regulations for the Management of the Protea Marine Protected Area
Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa
The Protea marine protected area contains one offshore controlled zone, one offshore controlled-pelagic line fish zone, and one offshore restricted zone; which are all determined using the World Geodetic System (WGS) of 1984. The regulations stipulate that no scientific research within the protected area shall be carried out except with a research permit issued by the Minister. It lists out the general restrictions within the protected area. A fish list about the controlled-pelagic line fish zone is attached in the annexures of the regulations.
South Africa • 2019 • Environment and Climate Change
Declaration of the Prince Edward Islands Marine Protected Area
Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa
The minister declares the area specified in the schedule a marine protected area, with a highlight of boundaries and exact geographic coordinates.
South Africa • 2013 • Environment and Climate Change
Biodiversity Act: Policy on White Shark Cage Diving
Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa
The policy should be read with the White Shark Cage Diving (WSCD) guidelines; the threatened or protected marine species regulations of 2017. It hopes to guide the processing and decision making on permit allocations for the WSCD, improve existing frameworks through effective impact monitoring and assessment, and set out procedures and criteria guiding the rational process of permit allocations. The need to manage the WSCD industry, based on sound scientific and financial sustainability, stems from the status of the great white sharks as vulnerable to extinction in the wild”.”””
South Africa • 2017 • Environment and Climate Change
National Environmental Management Act: Procedures for Assessment and Minimum Criteria for Reporting on Identified Environmental Themes when Applying for Environmental Authorisation
Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa
The notice serves as the minister’s prescription for the general requirements for undertaking site sensitivity verification, and for protocols for the assessment and minimum report content requirements of environmental impacts for environmental themes for activities requiring environmental authorisation. Protocols apply to a respective environmental theme within their scopes, while multiple themes may apply to single applications for environmental authorisation.
South Africa • 2020 • Environment and Climate Change
Regulations for the Management of the Aliwal Shoal Marine Protected Area
Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa
The entire Aliwa Shoal marine protected area contains two inshore restricted zones, two inshore controlled zones, one offshore controlled-pelagic line fish zone, two offshore controlled zones, and four offshore restricted zones; which are all determined using the World Geodetic System (WGS) of 1984. The regulations stipulate that no scientific research within the protected area shall be carried out except with a research permit issued by the Minister. It lists out the general restrictions within the protected area.
South Africa • 2019 • Environment and Climate Change
Regulations for the Management of the Cape Canyon Marine Protected Area
Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa
The Cape Canyon Marine Protected Area is zoned as a single Restricted Zone, bounded by a series of straight lines sequentially joining the following coordinates: A, B, C, and D; and a line joining the first and last co-ordinate. The regulations stipulate that no scientific research within the protected area shall be carried out except with a research permit issued by the Minister. It lists out the general restrictions within the protected area.
South Africa • 2019 • Environment and Climate Change
Listing Notice 2: List of Activities and Competent Authorities
Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa
This represents the listing notice on activities and competent authorities identified in section 24 of the national environmental management act of 1998. It specifies activities that require environmental authorisation for implementation and the competent authorities saddled with the responsibility.
South Africa • 2014 • Environment and Climate Change
Regulations for the Management of the Orange Shelf Edge Marine Protected Area
Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa
The regulations zone the entire Orange Shelf Edge Marine Protected Area as Sanctuary area with two areas determined by using the World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS 84). The regulations are made under the national environmental management: protected areas act of 2003. “No person may undertake any scientific research within the Marine Protected Area, except on the authority of a scientific research permit issued by the Minister”. The general restrictions within the marine protected area are listed out in the schedules.
South Africa • 2019 • Environment and Climate Change
National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act: Amendment of Schedules
Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa
The amendment describes the 21 national parks under the protected areas act and amends proclamations of their regulations as regards portioning of their land areas.
South Africa • 2013 • Environment and Climate Change
Identification of Activities which may have Detrimental Effect on Environment: Outeniqua Sensitive Coastal Area Extension.
Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa
The notice is made under the environment conservation act of 1989. It identifies the activities that pose substantial detrimental effects on the environment in the specific coastal area under review, and for which maps are provided in the schedules of the notice.
South Africa • 1998 • Environment and Climate Change
National Environmental Management Act: Amendments
Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa
The notice amends schedules one and two of the act as it relates to specifying the national departments exercising functions that may affect the environment, and those carrying out activities that involve the management of the environment.
South Africa • 2014 • Environment and Climate Change
Norms and Standards for the Management of Protected Areas in South Africa
Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa
The act seeks to provide for the protection and conservation of ecologically viable areas that account for the bulk of South Africa’s biological diversity. It also establishes a national register of protected areas and their management, in line with the stipulated norms and standards.
South Africa • 2016 • Environment and Climate Change
Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations
Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa
The regulations are stipulated to ensure the regulation of procedures and criteria enshrined in the national environmental management act of 1998 as it relates to the process of considering applications for environmental authorisations, as a means of optimising positive environmental impacts. Competent authorities shall decide on applications and must revert to applicants within five days; which must be in writing and must contain the decision made, reasons for the decision, and where applicable, offer the option to appeal the decision.
South Africa • 2014 • Environment and Climate Change
Regulations for the Management of the Addo Elephant National Park Marine Protected Area
Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa
The entire Addo Elephant National Park marine protected area is zoned as; three inshore controlled zones and one inshore restricted zone; two offshore controlled zones and two offshore restricted zones; and two estuarine zones. The zones are all determined by using the World Geodetic System (WGS) of 1984. The regulations stipulate that no scientific research within the protected area shall be carried out except with a research permit issued by the Minister. It lists out the general restrictions within the protected area.
South Africa • 2019 • Environment and Climate Change
Sea Fishery Act: Levies on Fish and Fish Products
Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa
The notice imposes levies payable on fish and fish products in accordance with section 29 of the Sea Fishery Act of 1988. The levies concern the number of fish caught by holders of commercial fishing rights, traditional fishing rights or the right to undertake the commercial harvesting of pelagic fish, pelagic baits, horse mackerel, anchovy, and red-eye, among others. The notice also defines the method of payment of the levies imposed under this notice.
South Africa • 2003 • Environment and Climate Change
National Environmental Management Biodiversity Act: Delegation of Powers and Duties
Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa
The notice of the minister to allow for delegation and sub-delegation of powers, under the sections of the national environmental management biodiversity act of 1998.
South Africa • 2014 • Environment and Climate Change
Declaration and Directions of Protected Natural Environment: Atherstone Protected Natural Environment
Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa
The notice, under the Environment Conservation Act of 1989, declares and allocates the name of the Atherstone protected natural environment and issuing of directions relative to the environment.
South Africa • 1994 • Environment and Climate Change