159 Results Found
Legal Aid South Africa Act, 2013
Ministry of Justice and Correctional Services, South Africa
An Act to ensure access to justice and the realization of the right of a person to have legal representation as envisaged in the Constitution and to render or make legal aid and legal advice available. It provides for the independence and impartiality of Legal Aid South Africa.
South Africa • 2013 • Gender and Human Rights
Prescription in Civil and Criminal Matters (Sexual Offences) Amendment Bill
Ministry of Justice and Correctional Services, South Africa
A bill to amend the Prescription Act, 1969, so as to extend the list of sexual offences in respect of which prescription does not commence to run under certain circumstances regarding a debt that is based on the alleged commission of any of those sexual offences; to also amend the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977, so as to extend the list of sexual offences in respect of which a prosecution may be instituted after a period of 20 years has lapsed since the date of the alleged commission of the sexual offence; and to provide for matters connected therewith.
South Africa • 2019 • Gender and Human Rights
White Paper on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (WPRPD)
Ministry of Social Development, South Africa
The WPRPD applies to duty-bearers, oversight institutions, government institutions, the judiciary, the private sector, the media, law and policy makers, public servants, frontline staff, as well as representative organisations of persons with disabilities (inclusive of parents’ organisations) and non-governmental organisations. The main beneficiaries of the successful implementation of the WPRPD will be persons with disabilities and their families as rights-holders. Among others, the WPRPD provides a course to mainstream the rights of persons with disabilities through the development of targeted interventions that remove barriers and apply the principles of universal design.
South Africa • 2016 • Gender and Human Rights
Rules of the National Council of Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Ministry of Gender and Human Rights, South Africa
The rules of the national council of societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals in terms of Section 7 of the societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals act of1993. It addresses issues around the identification, registration, organization, administration and operation of societies that are involved in the protection of animals against the cruel behaviour of human beings.
South Africa • 2004 • Gender and Human Rights
Gender Policy Framework for Local Government
Ministry of Gender and Human Rights, South Africa
The policy acknowledges the important role to be played by local governments in achieving the “better life for all” goal of the government of the Republic; through effective facilitation of social and economic development of communities and households. As women comprise a greater proportion of the population in South Africa, the government seeks to leverage their empowerment as drivers for its goal. The policy thus provides guidance and support to the sector around gender mainstreaming and women’s empowerment. It is being aided by the Local Government Strategic Agenda and the National Policy for Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality.
South Africa • 2011 • Gender and Human Rights
Children's Amendment Act
Ministry of Human Rights, South Africa
The act amends the children’s act of 2005. It inserts definitions for clarity; it provides for partial care of children; it provides for early childhood development; it makes further provision regarding the protection of children; it provided for the prevention and early intervention; it provides for children in alternative care; and it provides for foster care, among other key provisions.
South Africa • 2007 • Gender and Human Rights
Commission for Gender Equality: Strategic Plan (2013 - 2018)
Ministry of Women, Youth and Disabilities, South Africa
This policy aims to attain gender equality in South Africa. The policy provides the legislative framework, promotes gender awareness, maintains compliance with international conventions, and promotes sustainable institutions.
South Africa • 2013 • Gender and Human Rights
The Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence Act, 2018
Ministry of Women, Youth and Disabilities, South Africa
This is an Act specifying the provision concerning sexual offenses and domestic violence, prevention and the protection of all persons from harm from other sexual acts and acts of domestic violence and for other related matters.
South Africa • 2018 • Gender and Human Rights
Framework for Transforming Gender Relations in South Africa
Ministry of Health, South Africa
This policy document aims to provide policymakers and trainers with the required framework to transform gender relations and achieve gender equality in South Africa.
South Africa • 2000 • Gender and Human Rights
National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security - 2020 to 2025 South Africa
Ministry of Women, Youth and Disabilities, South Africa
This action plan highlights the required framework for creating greater peace and security for women in South Africa. The framework covers national, regional, continental, and international frameworks.
South Africa • 2020 • Gender and Human Rights
Minimum Standards on Shelters for Abused Women
Ministry of Women, Youth and Disabilities, South Africa
This policy document outlines the minimum standards for the operation and management of levels of shelters for abused, battered, and destitute women. The goal of these minimum standards is to ensure quality assurance and accountability in service delivery for abused women.
South Africa • 2001 • Gender and Human Rights
Children’s Act, 2005
Ministry of Women, Youth and Disabilities, South Africa
This is an Act to protect the rights of children as specified in the Constitution; to set out principles relating to the care and protection of children; to define parental responsibilities and rights; to make further provisions regarding children’s courts; to provide for partial care of children; to provide for early childhood development; to provide for the issuing of contribution orders; to provide for the prevention and early intervention; to provide for children in alternative care; to provide for foster care; to provide for child and youth care centres and drop-in centres; to make new provision for the adoption of children; to provide for inter-country adoption; and for all other related matters.
South Africa • 2005 • Gender and Human Rights
Commission on Gender Equality Amendment Act, 2013
Ministry of Women, Youth and Disabilities, South Africa
This is an Act by the South African Parliament to amend the Commission of Gender Equality Act, 1996 to ensure it is aligned with the South African Constitution 1996, and other related matters.
South Africa • 2013 • Gender and Human Rights
Commission on Gender Equality: Complaints handling procedures
Ministry of Women, Youth and Disabilities, South Africa
These procedural guidelines by the Commission on Gender Equality for lodging complaints with the Commission; processing, screening, investigation, legal proceedings, and other related matters.
South Africa • 1996 • Gender and Human Rights
Commission on Gender Equality Act, 1996
Ministry of Women, Youth and Disabilities, South Africa
This is an Act outlining the composition, powers, functions, and functioning of the Commission on Gender Equality; and to provide for other related matters.
South Africa • 1996 • Gender and Human Rights
Commission for Gender Equality 5 Year Strategy: 2018 - 2023
Ministry of Women, Youth and Disabilities, South Africa
This multi-annual strategic plan by the Commission for Gender Equality aims to promote the protection, development, and attainment of gender equality in South Africa.
South Africa • 2018 • Gender and Human Rights
Commission for Gender Equality Strategic Plan: 2008 - 2013
Ministry of Women, Youth and Disabilities, South Africa
This multi-annual strategic plan by the Commission for Gender Equality aims to promote the protection, development, and attainment of gender equality in South Africa. The focus of the strategy includes poverty; gender-based violence; gender and good governance; culture, religion and traditional practices; and HIV/Aids.
South Africa • 2008 • Gender and Human Rights
Framework on Gender-Responsive Planning, Budget, Monitoring, Evaluation and Auditing
Department of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, South Africa
This strategy is designed to harness the gender dividend and ensure a paradigm shift towards gender mainstreaming across the state machinery and take forward the country’s efforts in order to ensure women’s empowerment and gender equality are at the center of public policy priorities, results-based planning and budgeting and accountability.
South Africa • 2018 • Gender and Human Rights
Women's Financial Inclusion Framework
Department of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, South Africa
The purpose of this framework is to provide a strategy on the inclusion of women into the mainstream economy, by promoting the meaningful participation of women into all socio-economic activities of the country and ensuring that this is done comprehensively and in a fully inclusive manner.
South Africa • 2019 • Gender and Human Rights
Communication Strategy for the Department of Women 2016
Department of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, South Africa
The Communication Strategy of the Department is designed for a period of five years in line with the Strategic Plan of the Department of Women (DOW). It aims to build the brand of the Department of Women and profile DOW by popularizing its objectives and programmes through consistent communication.
South Africa • 2016 • Gender and Human Rights