159 Results Found

Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities (Prohibition) Bill, 2018

Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development, Nigeria

This Act ensures the inclusion and integration of persons with disabilities into society and the establishment of a National Commission to protect their education, care, social, economic and civil rights.

Nigeria 2018 Gender and Human Rights

Child Welfare and Protection Law, 2018

Child Welfare Government, Nigeria

This law provides for the welfare and protection of children in Kaduna State 2018. The purpose is to protect the rights and ensure the welfare of the child in the state and provide for system of child justice, administration, and the care and supervision of a child.

Nigeria 2018 Gender and Human Rights

Kaduna State Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Law 2018

Kaduna State Government, Nigeria

This law prohibits all forms of violence including physical, sexual, psychological, domestic, and harmful traditional practices, and discrimination against persons and provides maximum protection and effective remedies for victims and punishment of offenders.

Nigeria 2018 Gender and Human Rights

Violence Against Women Law, 2016

Nigeria, Oyo State, Ministry of Women Affairs

This law prohibits violence against women in public and private life, harmful traditional practice, and prescribes punishment for the offenders and other matters connected therewith.

Nigeria 2016 Gender and Human Rights

Social Development & Welfare Sector 2019-2021 Medium-Term Sector Strategy (MTSS)

Nigeria, Osun State, Ministry of Economic Planning and Budget Development, Ministry of Women, Children and Social Affairs

This document, which is the Medium Term Sector Strategy (MTSS) of the Social Development & Welfare Sector, covers the period of 2019 – 2021. The MTSS contains proposed activities to simplify the State Development Plan into implementable activities within the MDAs.

Nigeria 2019 Gender and Human Rights

Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Law, 2020

Kwara State Government, Human Rights Commission, Ministry of Women Affairs, Nigeria

This is a Law to eliminate violence in private and public life. It aims to provide maximum protection and effective remedies for victims and punishment of offenders in the state and other connected purposes.

Nigeria 2020 Gender and Human Rights

Nigerian Children's Trust Fund Act

Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development, Nigeria

This is an Act to establish the Nigerian Children’s Trust Fund and to set up a board of trustees to manage and administer the Fund for the provision of relief to Nigerian children in need and other related purposes.

Nigeria 1990 Gender and Human Rights

Nigerian Pilgrims Commission Act, 1989

Ministry of Interior Affairs, Nigeria

This is an Act to repeal the Nigerian Pilgrims Board Act and to set up the Nigerian Pilgrims Commission with responsibility for the general welfare of Nigerian Muslims who undertake pilgrimages. The Act specifies the duties of the commission, governance, financial provision and other general matters.

Nigeria 1989 Gender and Human Rights

Nigeria Christian pilgrim Commission Act, 2007

Ministry of Interior Affairs, Nigeria

This is an Act to specifying the role of the Federal Government of Nigeria in the co-ordination of Christian pilgrim matters and for the repeal of the Nigerian Pilgrims Act, 1989 as well as for the establishment of a National Pilgrim Commission that will license, regulate, and supervise other bodies and agencies on matters related to pilgrimage in Nigeria and for related matters.

Nigeria 2007 Gender and Human Rights

National Hajj Commission of Nigeria Act, 2006

Ministry of Interior Affairs, Nigeria

This Act repeals the Nigerian Pilgrims Commission Act 1990 and establishes the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria vested with the responsibility of licensing, regulating, performing oversight, and undertaking supervisory functions on matters related to Hajj Pilgrimage in Nigeria. The Act outlines the functions of the commission, composition and administration and other general regulations.

Nigeria 2006 Gender and Human Rights

National Centre for Women Development Act, 1995

Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, Nigeria

This is an Act for the creation of the National Centre for Women Development with the responsibility of designing developmental programmes and activities for the advancement of women’s affairs across Nigeria.

Nigeria 1995 Gender and Human Rights

National Commission for Refugees Act, 1967

Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, Nigeria

This is an Act for the implementation of the United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees done at Geneva on 28 July 1951.

Nigeria 1967 Gender and Human Rights

National Commission for Rehabilitation Act, 1969

Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, Nigeria

This is an Act to establish the National Commission for Rehabilitation and to provide for matters related to rehabilitation of federal ministries, departments and agencies. The Act highlights the functions, powers, management and financial provisions of the commission and other related matters.

Nigeria 1969 Gender and Human Rights

National Commission for Women Act, 1992

Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, Nigeria

This is an Act for the establishment of the National Commission for Women to promote women’s welfare in Nigeria. The Act outlines the functions of the commission, management, financial provisions and other general matters.

Nigeria 1992 Gender and Human Rights

National Committee on Geographical Names Act, 1989

Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, Nigeria

This is an Act to set up a National Committee on Geographical Names to be in charge of ensuring the standardization of procedure for naming or renaming of geographical features and for the establishment of a similar Committee in each state of the country.

Nigeria 1989 Gender and Human Rights

National Policy on the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation

Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, Nigeria

The objective of this National Policy on the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation is to reduce the proportion of girls and women who are at risk of undergoing any type of genital mutilation with a view to its eventual elimination.

Nigeria 1999-2007 Gender and Human Rights

National Gender Policy 2006

Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, Nigeria

The overall goal of this Gender Policy is to build a just society devoid of discrimination, harness the full potentials of all social groups regardless of sex or circumstance, promote the enjoyment of fundamental human rights and protect the health, social, economic and political wellbeing of all citizens to achieve equitable rapid economic growth.

Nigeria 2006 Gender and Human Rights

National Gender Policy

Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, Nigeria

The policy outlines the government’s vision to build a society clear of gender bias and develop a culture of promoting the participation of women and children in the process of national development.

Nigeria 2006 Gender and Human Rights