1423 Results Found
The Non-Designated Expatriate Officers (Retiring Benefits) Act
Ministry of Health, Zambia
An Act to implement the scheme of retirement benefits for non-designated expatriate officers; and to provide for matters incidental thereto or connected therewith.
Zambia • 1966 • Health
Zambia Essential Medicines List
Ministry of Health, Zambia
This document contains an appropriate range of essential medicines for the various levels of health care delivery institutions in the country. The list includes essential medicines used in anaesthesia, treatment of infections, treatment of diseases of the respiratory system and allergy, treatment of malignant disease: anti-neoplastic medicines, etc.
Zambia • 2020 • Health
Recommended Type of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) used in COVID-19 According to Setting, Personnel and Type of Activity
Ministry of Health, Zambia
This provides recommended type of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to be used in the context of COVID19 disease, according to the setting, personnel and type of activity.
Zambia • 2020 • Health
Zambia Standard Treatment Guidelines 2020
Ministry of Health, Zambia
The guideline is divided into chapters according to a particular system of the body or an aspect of medical care has been retained. Chapters are divided into sections providing introductory notes for health care providers who include doctors, pharmacists, nurses and other health professionals. This information is intended to assist with decision making and selection of appropriate treatment.
Zambia • 2020 • Health
Zambia National Formulary
Ministry of Health, Zambia
This sixth edition of the Zambia National Formulary provide a list of Medicines suitable for use in Zambia as well as essential information about their use. It provides guidance on prescribing and prescription writing.
Zambia • 2020 • Health
The Termination of Pregnancy Act
Ministry of Health, Zambia
An Act to amend and clarify the law relating to termination of pregnancy by registered medical practitioners; and to provide for matters incidental thereto and connected therewith.
Zambia • 1972 • Health
The Tropical Diseases Research Centre Act
Ministry of Health, Zambia
An Act to constitute the Tropical Diseases Research Centre; to establish the Tropical Diseases Research Board; to define the functions and powers of the Board, and to provide for matters connected with or incidental to the foregoing
Zambia • 1984 • Health
The Tsetse Control Act, 1941
Ministry of Health, Zambia
This is an Act of Parliament specifying the provisions for detection, prevention and control of the spread of tsetse flies in Zambia including other related matters.
Zambia • 1941 • Health
Public Health Act, 1930
Ministry of Health, Zambia
This Act provides regulation for prevention of diseases and the promotion of public health as well as other related matters.
Zambia • 1930 • Health
The Public Health (Infected Areas) (Coronavirus Disease 2019) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020
Ministry of Health, Zambia
This document amends the Public Health (Infected Areas) (Coronavirus Disease 2019) Regulations, 2020 by the revocation of regulation 9 and the substitution with a regulation that emphasizes that a public ceremony shall not be held in an infected area without the written permission of an authorised officer.
Zambia • 2020 • Health
The Public Health (Notifiable Infectious Disease) (Declaration) Notice, 2020
Ministry of Health, Zambia
This document declared Coronavirus Disease 2019 a notifiable infectious disease.
Zambia • 2020 • Health
Control of Dogs Act, 1929
Ministry of Health, Zambia
This Act provides regulation for the registration, control, isolation, inoculation and muzzling of dogs and the prevention of rabies as well as any other related matters.
Zambia • 1929 • Health
The Mental Health Act, 2019
Ministry of Health, Zambia
An Act to provide for the promotion and protection of the rights of persons with mental illness, mental disorder, mental impairment or mental disability; to establish the National Mental Health Council and provide for its functions; provide for mental health services in correctional facilities; give effect to certain provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Principles for the protection of persons with mental illness and the improvement of mental care General Assembly Resolution 46/119 of 17th December 1991, and other international human rights instruments to which Zambia is a State Party; repeal the mental Disorders Act, 1949; and provide for related matters.
Zambia • 2019 • Health
The Nurses and Midwives Act, 2019
Ministry of Health, Zambia
An Act to regulate the education and training of nurses and midwives; continue the existence of the General Nursing Council and rename it as the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Zambia and provide for its functions; provide for the registration of, issuance of practising certificates to, nurses and midwives; provide for the scope of practice of nurses and midwives; regulate the practice and professional conduct of nurses and midwives; provide for the licensing of nursing and midwifery facilities; repeal and replace the Nurses and Midwives Act, 1997; and provide for related matters.
Zambia • 2019 • Health
The Zambia Medicines and Medical Supplies Agency Act, 2019
Ministry of Health, Zambia
An Act to provide for an efficient and cost-effective system for the procurement, storage and distribution of medicines and medical supplies; establish Medical Stores Limited as the Zambia Medicines and Medical Supplies Agency and provide for its functions, and provide for related matters.
Zambia • 2019 • Health
The National Forensic Bill, 2020
Ministry of Health, Zambia
An Act to regulate the practice of forensic science and forensic pathology and provide for the licensing of forensic service providers; establish the National Forensic Authority and provide for its functions; establish the Board of the Authority and provide for its functions; establish the Office of the State Forensic Pathologist; establish the National Forensic Science and Biometrics Department, and provide for other matters.
Zambia • 2020 • Health
HIV Testing and Counselling (HTC) Implementation Plan (2014-2016)
Ministry of Health, Zambia
The purpose of the HIV Testing and Counselling Implementation Plan is to provide a simplified guide for the implementation of the HTC in 2014-2015. It enables stakeholders to identify and utilize their comparative advantage to contribute to HTC implementation collectively.
Zambia • 2014 • Health
HIV Prevention Strategy
Ministry of Health, Zambia
This strategy document provides a roadmap for the Zambian government, in collaboration with donors and implementing partners, to consider a paradigm shift in HIV prevention. The intent of the HIV prevention strategy is fourfold: to identify the key drivers of the epidemic; outline current prevention efforts, scope, effectiveness and coverage; describe existing gaps and challenges, and offer recommendations on the key priority areas for HIV prevention.
Zambia • • Health
A Comprehensive HIV Prevention Roadmap 2017-2021
Ministry of Health, Zambia
These provide some insights on the critical challenge, suggested strategies to achieve the set target in each indicator listed in this document.
Zambia • 2017 • Health
HIV and AIDS Policy for the Transport Sector in Zambia
Ministry of Health, Zambia
The primary aim of this policy is to provide guidelines for the coordination, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of workplace programmes in the transport sector. The policy provides the framework through which employers, workers and their organisations will design, implement, and monitor HIV policies and programmes at sub‐sector, institution, and company level.
Zambia • 2010 • Health