1272 Results Found

National HIV & AIDS Strategic Framework 2017-2021

Ministry of Health, Zambia

The National AIDS Strategic Framework (NASF) 2017 – 2021 is designed to provide adequate space and opportunities for communities, civil society, private sector, development partners (bilateral and multilateral agencies) and Government institutions to actively participate in the implementation of evidence-based HIV and AIDS programmes, depending on their mandates and comparative advantages.

Zambia 2017 Health

National Biomedical Laboratory Strategic Plan 2018-2022

Ministry of Health, Zambia

This strategic plan provides a roadmap and gives confidence to cooperating partners (CPs) and implements their alignment to national aspirations. It assists in identifying areas of possible duplication and gaps thus, allowing redirection of resources and intervention and paving the way to improved laboratory services.

Zambia 2018 Health

Minimum Package of Services for Female Sex Workers in Zambia

Ministry of Health, Zambia

The Minimum Packages of Services for Female Sex Workers in Zambia serves as an operational guide document for all partners involved in HIV prevention programming and co-ordination for key population; to improve the design, implementation and management of programs.

Zambia 2014 Health

Zambia Health National Adaptation Plan

Ministry of Health, Zambia

This document, which is the health national adaptation plan (HNAP) for Zambia, presents the results of a national consultative process to identify climate risks and adaptation measures relevant to the health sector and also sets out the road map to the implementation of the HNAP.

Zambia 2017 Health

National Health Strategic Plan Monitoring and Evaluation Framework 2017-2021

Ministry of Health, Zambia

The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework recognises the aspirations prescribed in the NHSP 2017-21 and binds all players to one set of indicators for tracking progress, measuring performance. it is expected to reduce duplications in data handling and consequently spur the culture of information use at all levels health services delivery and management.

Zambia 2019 Health

AIDS Response Fast Track Strategy 2015-2020

Ministry of Health, Zambia

This policy document presents a detailed epidemiological situation analysis of the HIV epidemic and the responses to date, highlights opportunities and challenges for actualization of the Fast Track, highlights critical considerations for the Fast Track such as leadership, sustainable financing, and innovative approaches to monitoring and evaluation.

Zambia 2015 Health

National Mobile HIV Services Guidelines

Ministry of Health, Zambia

The National Mobile HIV Services Guidelines outline among other approaches, the establishment of mobile Counselling and Testing (CT), Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission (PMTCT) and Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) services and enhancing linkages with other health within the framework of a continuum of care for HIV positive people.

Zambia 2009 Health

National HIV & AIDS Communication And Advocacy Strategy (2011-2015)

Ministry of Health, Zambia

This policy provides a broad framework within which communication and advocacy should serve as
strategic inputs into the implementation of the NASF. Its implementation is also harmonious with the NASF, which runs for the period 2011–2015.

Zambia 2011 Health

Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Nutrition Communication and Advocacy Strategy 2018-2021

Ministry of Health, Zambia

This communication and advocacy strategy outline the sixteen guiding principles for planning, designing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating social and behaviour change communication interventions for reproductive maternal, newborn, child, adolescent health, and nutrition programme. Some of the principles include advocacy-related, client-centred, culturally appropriate, benefit-oriented, amongst others.

Zambia 2018 Health

National AIDS Strategic Framework 2011-2015

Ministry of Health, Zambia

The purpose of the National Strategic Framework for HIV and AIDS is to provide an overall strategy for the planning, coordination and implementation of the multisectoral national response based on available evidence and emerging social and epidemiological issues.

Zambia 2011 Health

Terms of Reference for National Health Promotion (IEC/BCC) Technical Working Groups

Ministry of Health, Zambia

The three sections of this document details the terms of reference for national health promotion technical working group, the terms of reference for HIV/AIDS IEC/BCC technical working group, and the terms of reference for malaria IEC/BCC technical working Group. It defines a technical working group (TWG) as an entity or group brought together by a common purpose and interest to work on specific activities or programmes. It provides for the functions of the National Health Promotion TWG, the criterion/guidelines to guide the process of selecting members to serve on the National Health Promotion TWG.

Zambia 2018 Health

Health Professions' Specialty Training Guidelines for Zambia

Ministry of Health, Zambia

This first edition of the Specialty Training Programme (STP) Guidelines for Zambia sets out the procedures, terms and conditions, and key responsibilities of Ministry of Health, the Health Professions Council of Zambia, and the specialty community of practice and university faculties.

Zambia 2017 Health

National Standards and Guidelines for Adolescent Friendly Health Services

Ministry of Health, Zambia

This document identifies the health challenges for young people, essential health packages, adolescents friendly health services standards, and the implementation guide. It provides basic instructions on how to establish the facility committee and how they will be involved in meeting the standards and using the facility assessment tool.

Zambia Health

National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Council: National Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (2011-2015)

Ministry of Health, Zambia

The national M&E plan provides background information, defines what the M&E systems will measure (indicators linked to the objectives and results framework of the NASF and national operational plan). Furthermore, it explains how the system will operate to enable these measurements to take place.

Zambia 2011 Health

2011-2013 National Multisectoral AIDS Programme Workplan

Ministry of Health, Zambia

The purpose of the NOP is to provide a simplified guide for the implementation of the National HIV & AIDS Strategic Framework (NASF) 2011-2013. It enables stakeholders to identify and utilize their comparative advantage to contribute to NASF collectively implementation. It identifies key strategies and sufficient activities that will enable Zambia to achieve the intended output, outcome, and impact results.

Zambia 2011 Health

Zambia National Health Strategic Plan 2017-2021

Ministry of Health, Zambia

The National Health Strategic Plan 2017-2021 has a transformative agenda that focuses on building robust and resilient health systems. The plan focuses on delivering quality health services across the continuum of care which includes promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative care. provided as close to the family settings as possible.

Zambia 2017 Health

National Alcohol Policy

Ministry of Health, Zambia

The overall objective of this policy is to attain a society in which the prevalence and impact of harmful use of alcohol is significantly reduced by 2030

Zambia 2018 Health

Zambia National Guidelines for HIV Counselling & Testing of Children

Ministry of Health, Zambia

This document has been designed to serve as a reference for all service providers to enhance HIV counselling and testing services for children below 16 years. The guidelines also provide information to counsellors on their critical role of working with children and families infected or affected by HIV and AIDS

Zambia 2011 Health