1377 Results Found
Medicines And Related Substances Act
Botswana, Ministry of Health and Wellness
This Act established the Medicines Regulatory Authority and the Medicines Regulatory Board. The Board shall be responsible for the direction of the affairs and operations of the Authority. This Act regulates the production, importation, exportation, distribution, sale and dispensation of drugs within the country.
Botswana • 2016 • Health
Botswana Multi-Year Immunisation Plan 2006-2010
Botswana, Ministry of Health and Wellness
The plan aims to give safe, reliable and free immunisation services available and accessible to all eligible children within the country.
Botswana • 2006 • Health
Integrated Health Service Plan: A Strategy For Changing The Health Sector For A Healthy Botswana 2010-2020
Botswana, Ministry of Health and Wellness
The plan identified priority areas and aims to improve the health sector in the country by 2020.
Botswana • 2010 • Health
Foot-and-Mouth Disease (Conveyance of Products) Order
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
The order specifies the vegetable and animal products likely to convey or spread foot-and-mouth disease. The products include hay, manure, bedding, fodder, hides, skins, milk or cream, and bones.
Botswana • • Health
Tsetse Fly Control Regulations
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
The regulations contain directions that must be complied with by persons travelling in parts of Botswana that have been declared to be sleeping sickness areas.
Botswana • 1962 • Health
Veterinary Surgeons Act
Botswana, Ministry of Health and Wellness
This is an Act to provide for the registration and control of veterinary surgeons and other matters incidental thereto and connected with the practice of veterinary surgery and veterinary medicine
Botswana • 1971 • Health
Public Health Act
Botswana, Ministry of Health and Wellness
This is an Act consolidating all the laws relating to public health. It established the National Health Council with its power, duties, tenure and constitution of the council
Botswana • 2014 • Health
Public Health Regulations
Botswana, Ministry of Health and Wellness
These regulations make provisions guiding the general health like pollution of water, keeping of livestock’s, trading premises, food premises, grain mills, bakeries, business and butcheries among others
Botswana • 1983 • Health
Waste Management Act
Botswana, Ministry of Health and Wellness
This is an Act to provide for the establishment of the Department of Sanitation and Waste Management; to make provision for the planning, facilitation and implementation of advanced systems for regulating the management of controlled waste to prevent harm to human, animal and plant life; to minimise pollution of the environment, to conserve natural resources; to cause the provisions of the Basel Convention to apply in regulating the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes and their disposal; and for
matters incidental to
Botswana • 1998 • Health
Marketing Of Foods For Infants And Young Children Regulations
Botswana, Ministry of Health
These Regulations apply to the marketing, and practices related thereto, of foods for infants and young children and other designated products, when imported into, marketed, distributed, sold or manufactured in Botswana.
Botswana • 2005 • Health
Sleeping Sickness Act
Botswana, Ministry of Health and Wellness
This Act makes provision for the sleeping sickness area, the restricted areas and those exempted, preventive measures in place and the administrative order for the prevention of the sickness.
Botswana • • Health
Law 8/04 of 1 November 2004 on HIV and AIDS - Lei nº 8/04 sobre o Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (VIH) e a Síndroma de Imunodeficiência Adquirida (SIDA), unofficial English translation
Angola, Ministry of Health
This Act aims at guaranteeing the protection and promotion of the fundamental health of the people through the adoption of necessary measures for the prevention, control, treatment and investigation of HIV/AIDS; and establishing the rights and duties of persons infected with HIV or AIDS patients, health personnel and others in state of risk or contamination, as well as the general population.
Angola • 2004 • Health
Ministério da Saúde, Plano estratégico Nacional para as Infecções de Transmissão Sexual, VIH/SIDA, Angola 2003-2008, 85 pp.
Angola, Ministry of Health
Angola • 2003 • Health
COVID-19 Rules -Presidential Decree No. 10/21 of January 8, 2021
Angola, Ministry of Health
This decree provides measures to prevent and control the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 virus. It also presents operational rules for the public and private sector.
Angola • 2021 • Health
Plano Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sanitário 2012-2025 (National Health Development Plan 2012-2025)
Angola, Ministry of Health
The National Health Development Plan (NHDP) aims at promoting compliance with the right to health enshrined in the Constitution, universal access to health care, improving the management and financing mechanisms of the national health system.
Angola • 2012 • Health
Decreto Presidencial n. 140/20 - Aprovação da Estratégia Nacional de Saneamento Total liderada pelas Comunidades e Escolas em Angola 2019-2030 (ENSTLCEA)
Angola, Ministry of Health
A Presidential Decree No. 140/20 that approves the National Sanitation Strategy led by Communities and Schools in Angola 2019-2030 (ENSTLCEA).
Angola • 2019 • Health
Decreto Presidencial n. 253/20 - Aprova a Política Nacional de Medicina Tradicional e Complementar
Angola, Ministry of Health
This Presidential Decree approves the National Policy for Traditional and Alternative Medicine. The Policy aims at developing the practices of traditional and alternative medicine in the national health system in order to contribute to obtaining better results in health.
Angola • 2020 • Health