1423 Results Found
National HIV/AIDS Operational Plan 2011-2012
Ministry of Health
This operational plan on HIV/AIDS is designed to guide stakeholders in the campaign against HIV/AIDS in the country. The core pillars of the plan encompass coordination; institutional arrangements; resource mobilization and management; policy, advocacy, human rights and legal environment; prevention of new infections; treatment of HIV and other related health conditions; care and Support for the Infected and affected by HIV and AIDS and research, monitoring and evaluation.
Sierra Leone • 2011 • Health
Sierra Leone Work Place Policy on HIV/AIDS
Ministry of Health
This national plan outlines guidelines aimed at reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS in the workplace. The policy is designed with the goal of limiting the impact of HIV/AIDS and ensure the best possible outcomes for workers, employees and the nation in this context.
Sierra Leone • 2006 • Health
National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS 2011-2015
Ministry of Health
The Government’s vision for this plan is to ensure HIV and AIDS no longer a public health threat in Sierra Leone by 2015. The main strategy is focused on the elimination of mother to child transmission and HIV treatment as prevention and emphasis on the importance of targeted counselling and Information Education and Communication.
Sierra Leone • 2011 • Health
National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS 2016-2020
Ministry of Health
The Government’s vision for this plan is to ensure HIV and AIDS no longer a public health threat in Sierra Leone by 2020. The plan aimed to achieve zero new infection, zero discrimination and zero AIDS related deaths. The main strategy is focused on the elimination of mother to child transmission and HIV treatment as prevention and emphasis on the importance of targeted counselling and Information Education and Communication.
Sierra Leone • 2016 • Health
National Monitoring & Evaluation Plan on HIV AIDS 2011- 2015
Ministry of Health
The goal of the National Strategic Plan for HIV and AIDS response, is to achieve zero new HIV Infections by 2015. The plan is designed to strengthening systems and capacities for data collection and collation, and tools to improve the monitoring and evaluation of the AIDS response.
Sierra Leone • 2011 • Health
Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT): Supervision and Quality Assurance Guidance
Ministry of Health, Ministry of Health
This guidance aims to ensure a consistent and systematic application of quality assurance measures and ongoing hands-on supervision that are needed for sustaining the delivery of effective VCT services in the country. The is designed guide health workers to provide high quality VCT services depends on a supportive and efficient work environment.
Sierra Leone • 2010 • Health
Final Joint Review of the National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS 2006-2010
Ministry of Health, Sierra Leone
This policy document is a review of the national strategic plan with the primary objective of providing recommendations that will guide the development of a new National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan, new M&E Plan and an Operational Plan.
Sierra Leone • 2010 • Health
National Antiretroviral Treatment Guidelines 2006
Ministry of Health, Sierra Leone
This is a revised version of the 2004 guidlines. These guidelines are part of the Government’s strategy and commitment to making Antiretroviral drugs available to all HIV infected persons. These guidelines are also intended to assist the Health Care provider in the management of persons living with HIV/AIDS.
Sierra Leone • 2006 • Health
National Antiretroviral Treatment Guidelines 2004
Ministry of Health, Sierra Leone
These guidelines are part of the Government’s strategy and commitment to making Antiretroviral drugs available to all HIV infected persons. These guidelines is also intended to assist the Health Care provider in the management of persons living with HIV/AIDS.
Sierra Leone • 2004 • Health
National HIV Behaviour Change Communication & Advocacy Strategy 2011-2015
Ministry of Health, Sierra Leone
The goal of this strategic plan as noted by the Ministry of Health is: “ To increase the effectiveness, coordination and comprehensiveness of behavioural change communciation and advocacy interventions on HIV in Sierra Leone by 2015.”
Sierra Leone • 2011 • Health
Sierra Leone HIV and AIDS Policy for the Mining Sector
Ministry of Health, Sierra Leone
This policy document outlines the standard of practice for employees and employers in the mining sector with respect to workplace response to HIV and AIDS. The main objective is to reduce HIV infection in the mining sector and to reduce communal vulnerability.
Sierra Leone • 2011 • Health
National HIV Prevention Strategy, 2011 - 2015
Ministry of Health, Sierra Leone
This is the first national prevention strategy on HIV. The objective of the Prevention Strategy is to: “Provide strategic guidance for implementing the HIV prevention and behaviour change programmes and to increase the effectiveness, coordination and comprehensiveness of HIV prevention and behaviour change interventions in Sierra Leone by 2015.”
Sierra Leone • 2011 • Health
National Health Care Quality and Patient Safety Policy, 2020
Ministry of Health, Sierra Leone
The vision for this policy as stated by the Ministry of Health is for: “A well-functioning national health system that delivers efficient and high-quality healthcare and ultimately contributes to the socioeconomic development of the country. This care must be of high quality, accessible, affordable and equitable to all Sierra Leoneans”.
Sierra Leone • 2020 • Health
National Community Health Worker Policy 2021
The CHW Policy provides further guidance on the coordination, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the CHW Policy program.
Sierra Leone • 2021 • Health
National Health and Sanitation Policy (NHSP), 2021
Ministry of Health, Sierra Leone
The primary goal of the Policy is to strengthen the health and sanitation systems performance to ensure equitable access to quality and affordable essential health and sanitation services for all citizens.
Sierra Leone • 2021 • Health
Consolidated Guidelines on HIV Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Care in Sierra Leone
Ministry of Health, Sierra Leone
These guidelines outline the operational and service delivery guidance to health care workers. It covers guidance on effective integration of elimination of mother to child HIV transmission (eMTCT) services into reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health services (RMNCAH); differentiated service delivery which reduces clinic visits and allows community ART distribution to PLHIV who are stable on ART; and retention and adherence to treatment and, adolescent-friendly and responsive health services.
Sierra Leone • 2020 • Health
National Health-Care Waste Management Policy (NHCWMP)
Ministry of Health, Sierra Leone
This policy provides the Standardised Operation Procedure as a safe means of disposing of the waste that is produced by healthcare interventions nationwide and includes healthcare associated waste generated within the patient’s home. It also provides prescriptive guidelines in the form of Standard Operating Procedures for safe handling, segregation, storage, collection, transportation and disposal of all waste generated within healthcare institutions in Sierra Leone.
Sierra Leone • 2007 • Health
Sierra Leone Healthcare Financing Strategy (SLHFS) 2021-2025
Ministry of Health, Sierra Leone
The primary goal of this strategic plan is to ensure adequate and sustainable healthcare financing and advocating for equitable and effective healthcare care financing in Sierra Leone to obtain better Population healthcare outcomes.
Sierra Leone • 2021 • Health
National Health Sector Strategic Plan (2021 -2025 NHSSP)
Ministry of Health, Sierra Leone
This M&E Strategy outlines the medium-term plan and the intervention necessary to monitor progress progress towards achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and articulate the vision and outcomes of health sector M&E through 2025.
Sierra Leone • 2021 • Health
Universal Health Coverage Roadmap For Sierra Leone 2021-2030
Sierra Leone • 2021 • Health