1272 Results Found

National Department of Health: Language Policy

Ministry of Health, South Africa

This policy applies to all employees of the National Department of Health. It provides a complaints mechanism to enable members of the public to lodge complaints regarding the use of official languages by a national department, national public entity or national public enterprise and It stipulates how official languages will be used in effectively communicating with the public, official notices, government publications, and inter and intra-government communication.

South Africa Health

National Guide for Healthy Meal Provisioning in the Workplace

Ministry of Health, South Africa

This guide is for all staff particularly those responsible for planning, purchasing and preparing food and beverages for workplace functions and meetings, to assist them to provide healthy food and beverages as it guides on selecting healthy options. The guide applies to caterers catering for workplace meetings and events caterers that make food and beverages available for purchase by staff, visitors and the general public on workplace premises such as at a canteen or coffee shop vending machines and kiosks service providers. It serves as a guide in selecting foods and beverages for various workplace events, meetings, conferences, workshops, outdoor/off-site events.

South Africa 2016 Health

Medicines and Related Substances Amendment Act, 2015

Ministry of Health, South Africa

An Act that amends the Medicines and Related Substances Act, 1965 to provide for the objects and functions of the Authority; to provide for the composition, appointment of chairperson, vice-chairperson and members, disqualification of members, meetings and committees of the board of the authority, and to require the minister to consult with the pricing committee when prescribing acceptable and prohibited acts in relation to bonusing.

South Africa 2015 Health

National Policy on Nursing Education and Training

Ministry of Health, South Africa

The policy outlines the basis for a uniform framework, within which nursing education leading to professional registration in the various categories of nursing is provided. It further provides a mechanism for improving the coherence of the nursing education system and indicates seamless articulation between qualifications, thereby enabling students to move more efficiently over time from one programme to another.

South Africa Health

National Consolidated Guidelines

Ministry of Health, South Africa

The main purpose of these guidelines is to improve the clinical outcomes of people living with HIV, reduce morbidity due to TB/HIV co-infection, reduce HIV incidence and avert AIDS-related deaths in the most cost-efficient manner by ensuring that people living with HIV start with the right therapy at the right time. It hopes to provide standardized and simplified less toxic treatment, which is harmonized amongst pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, adolescents and adults in both the private and public sector and to simplify guidance for health workers to improve the quality of HIV care for all people living with HIV and HIV-exposed Infants.

South Africa 2014 Health

National Health Bill

Ministry of Health, South Africa

A bill to amend the National Health Act, 2003, so as to amend a definition and to insert new definitions; to provide for the legal recognition and requirements of a durable power of attorney for health care and a living will; and to provide for matters connected therewith.

South Africa 2019 Health

National Emergency Care Education and Training Policy

Ministry of Health, South Africa

This policy applies to all current and prospective public and private emergency care personnel and EMS education and training providers. It aims to ensure the alignment of emergency care education and training with current education legislation, national education and training needs and imperatives of the national Department of Health in order to ensure the rendering of quality healthcare services to the population of South Africa.

South Africa 2017 Health

Mental Health Care Act, 2002

Ministry of Health, South Africa

This Act aims to provide for the care, treatment and rehabilitation of persons who are mentally ill; to set out (different procedures to be followed in the admission of such persons; to establish Review Boards in respect of every health establishment; to determine their powers and functions; to provide for the care and administration of the property of mentally ill persons; to repeal certain laws, and to provide for related matters.

South Africa 2002 Health

National Guideline for Patient Safety Incident Reporting and Learning in the Public Health Sector of South Africa

Ministry of Health, South Africa

The purpose of this Guideline is to provide direction to the health sector of South Africa regarding the management of patient safety incident reporting, including the provision of appropriate feedback to patients, families/support persons and clinicians, and the sharing of lessons learned to prevent patient harm. It describes a nationally standardized system for managing patient safety incidents to ensure that various levels of care in the health system respond effectively to patient safety incidents. By doing so, patient safety is improved by learning from failures of the healthcare system so that the likelihood of a recurrence of the same event is significantly reduced.

South Africa 2017 Health

Guidelines for Maternity Care in South Africa: A Manual for Clinics, Community Health Centres and District Hospitals.

Ministry of Health, South Africa

Chapter one of this document provides an overview of the current situation and data on maternal care in South Africa. Chapter two describes the different levels of care in the South African health system and explains the reasons behind the need for various levels. Chapter three outlines the standards for the clinical structure and content of patient records. The fourth chapter discusses the basic aspects of antenatal care, as a supplement to the national BANC protocols. Chapter five discusses the steps to take to support all aspects of labour from diagnosis to delivery.

South Africa 2015 Health

Management of Rifampicin-Resistant Tuberculosis: A Clinical Reference Guide

Ministry of Health, South Africa

This document defines Drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) as an active tuberculosis disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacilli that are resistant to one or more anti-TB drugs. It outlines the roles of the PCACs and NCAC and provides information on diagnosis.

South Africa 2019 Health

Integrated School Health Policy

Ministry of Health, South Africa

This policy is developed to guide the provision of a comprehensive, integrated school health programme which is provided as part of the PHC package within the Care and Support for Teaching and Learning (CSTL) framework. Its specific objectives include providing preventive and promotive services that address the health needs of school-going children and youth with regard to both their immediate and future health; supporting and facilitating learning through identifying and addressing health barriers to learning, and supporting the school community in creating a safe and secure environment for teaching and learning.

South Africa Health

Mini Drug Plan

Ministry of Health, South Africa

The Mini Drug Master Plan (MDMP) has an overarching goal to reduce the health, economic and social burden caused by substance abuse in South Africa, through the provision of targeted demand and harm reduction interventions provided by the National Department of Health, thereby supporting the implementation of the National Drug Master Plan.

South Africa 2011 Health

Leprosy Control South Africa 2011; Guidelines on Leprosy Control in South Africa

Ministry of Health, South Africa

This document aims to facilitate the management and control of leprosy in South Africa through internationally accepted and country appropriate means. Its objectives are to facilitate early diagnosis and management of cases; to prevent disability and ensure rehabilitation of leprosy patients; to strengthen reporting and follow up of leprosy patients; to strengthen leprosy expertise in health care facilities to which leprosy cases can be referred, and to improve access to current effective treatment.

South Africa 2011 Health

A Monograph of the Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage

Ministry of Health, South Africa

This monograph aims to provide relevant evidence-based practical information and guidelines for all grades of a health worker at all levels of care who manage women with postpartum haemorrhage. It defines primary postpartum haemorrhage as the excessive blood loss from the genital tract during the first 24hours after delivery and secondary primary postpartum haemorrhage as the excessive blood loss following delivery after 24hours and up to 6 weeks following delivery. It outlines the causes of postpartum haemorrhage and avoidable factors for death.

South Africa 2010 Health

Medicines and Related Substances Amendment Act

Ministry of Health, South Africa

The notice amends the medicines and related substances act of 1965. “Among others, it provides for the appointment of one or more Deputy Registrars; it provides for a term of office of members of the Pricing Committee; it provides for the delay of the coming into operation of provisions requiring a licence before a person can compound and dispense or manufacture medicines, or act as a wholesaler or distributor, and it provides for regulations relating to the marketing of medicines”.

South Africa 2002 Health