1423 Results Found

Sierra Leone Health Information System Policy 2021

Ministry of Health and Sanitation

The HIS Policy is designed to measure and assess the health status of the population by providing guidance and  regulate data collection, analysis, confidentiality, access, security and use.

Sierra Leone 2021 Health

Guildelines for the Safe Management of Healthcare Waste in Sierra leone

Ministry of Health and Sanitations AIDS Response Group

This is a practical guide that addresses the choice of a treatment and disposal option for wastes from healthcare facilities, in order to prevent negative healthcare impacts on staff, patients, public and environment.

Sierra Leone 2003 Health

National Health Insurance Authority Act 2022

Ministry of Health, Nigeria

This Act repeals the National Health Insurance Scheme Act, Cap. N42, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004 and enacts the National Health Insurance Authority Act to ensure effective implementation of a national health insurance policy that ensures the attainment of Universal Health Coverage in Nigeria.

Nigeria 2022 Health

Teaching Hospitals Complex Administration Act, 2016

This Act provides for the establishment of the Teaching Hospitals Complex Administration, which will be responsible for the consistent administration of the specified Teaching Hospitals Complex as outlined in the schedule. The Act also provides for the creation of a Teaching Hospitals Complex Administration Board, which will serve as the governing body of the Administration. Additionally, the Act covers the regulations for the discipline of trainees and staff by the Teaching Hospitals Complex, as well as other related matters.

Sierra Leone 2016 Health

Sierra Leone Nursing and Midwifery Council Act, 2023

This Act was introduced to establish the Sierra Leone Nursing and Midwifery Council. The Council’s main purpose is to regulate and oversee the education, training, discipline, certification, registration, and licensing of nurses and midwives throughout Sierra Leone. It also provides for the accreditation of nursing and midwifery educational institutions and regulates the practice of nursing and midwifery. The Act covers various provisions pertaining to the roles, functions, and responsibilities of the Sierra Leone Nursing and Midwifery Council in ensuring standards and quality in the nursing and midwifery profession.

Sierra Leone 2023 Health

National Medical Supplies Agency Act, 2017

This Act is introduced to repeal and replace the National Pharmaceutical Procurement Unit Act, 2012. The purpose is to establish the National Medical Supplies Agency as a public service agency responsible for the procurement, warehousing, and distribution of drugs and medical supplies. The Agency operates transparently and adopts cost-effective methods for the benefit of all public institutions across Sierra Leone. The Act covers various provisions related to the functions and responsibilities of the National Medical Supplies Agency.

Sierra Leone 2017 Health

Medical Examiners Act, 2021

This Act was introduced to repeal and replace the Coroners Act, 1907 (Cap 9), with the aim of establishing the Office of Medical Examiner. The Act provides for the appointment of the Chief Medical Examiner and other staff members. It also mandates the reporting of reportable deaths and establishes procedures for the investigation and reporting of such deaths. Additionally, the Act covers matters related to public health or safety and the administration of justice. It further addresses other related matters.

Sierra Leone 2022 Health

Consumer Protection Act, 2020

Ministry of Health

This Act provides for the protection and promotion of consumer interests. It establishes the National Consumer Protection Commission and addresses other matters related to consumer protection.

Sierra Leone 2020 Health

Breast-Milk Substitutes Act, 2021

This Act provides for safe and adequate nutrition for infants and young children by promoting breastfeeding and regulating the marketing of breast milk substitutes. The Act is designed to protect and promote breastfeeding as the optimal method of feeding infants and young children. It addresses other matters related to the promotion of infant and child nutrition as well.

Sierra Leone 2023 Health

Dangerous Drug Act 2004

Ministry of Health

This is an  Act to regulate the importation, exportation, manufacture, sale and use of opium and other dangerous drugs.

Nigeria 2004 Health

National Drug Control Master Plan 2021-2025

Ministry of Health

A 5-year strategic instrument for addressing the complex issues of drug trafficking, production, cultivation and use in Nigeria. Its main pillar (Pillar 1) covers strategies to disrupt drug trafficking networks and reduce the supply and production of illicit drugs, including illicit narcotics, precursors, psychotropic substances, and other nationally and internationally controlled drugs.

Nigeria 2021 Health

Zimbabwe National Nutrition Strategy 2014-2018

Ministry of Health, Zimbabwe

The first objective of this strategy is to operationalize Commitment V of the Food and Nutrition Security Policy which states that the Government of Zimbabwe (GOZ) is committed to ensuring nutrition security for all through the implementation of evidence-based nutrition interventions that are integrated within a broad public health framework including health services, water and sanitation. The second objective is to contribute towards making further progress against the other Scaling up Nutrition (SUN) targets.

Zimbabwe 2014 Health