265 Results Found

2018 Monetary Policy Statement

Ministry of Finance, Zimbabwe

This Monetary Policy Statement is issued in terms of Section 46 of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act which requires the Bank to issue a statement containing a description of the monetary policy to be followed by the Bank during six months, and a statement of the reasons for those policies.

Zimbabwe 2018 Economy

Three Year Macro-Economic Policy and Budget Framework

Ministry of Finance, Zimbabwe

The Three Year Macro-Economic Policy and Budget Framework addresses the challenges and unfinished agenda of the Short Term Emergency Recovery Programme (STERP) and other sector-specific salient issues key for economic growth and development.

Zimbabwe Economy

Monetary Policy Statement

Ministry of Finance, Zimbabwe

The main objective of this Monetary Policy Statement is to present policies that stimulate the national economy with a vision for Zimbabwe to regain its status of being the Bread Basket of Africa

Zimbabwe 2017 Economy

The Standards Development Fund Act

Ministry of Finance, Zimbabwe

An Act to provide for the establishment of a fund to develop and promote the standardization of commodities and services and for other related purposes; to provide for the imposition of a levy upon employers or classes of employers for the benefit of the fund; to provide for the recovery of such levy from such employers or classes of employers; and to provide for matters incidental to or connected with the foregoing.

Zimbabwe 1987 Economy

Zimbabwe Medium Term Plan 2011-2015

Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, Zimbabwe

This Medium Term Plan has a goal to transform the economy, reduce poverty, create jobs and restore the economic capacity to produce goods and services competitively.

Zimbabwe 2011 Economy

National Population Policy

Ministry of National Development and Planning, Zambia

The objectives of this policy include: to take advantage of demographic opportunities; to address rural-urban migration, and to incorporate demographic consideration in national economic planning.

Zambia 2019 Economy

Public Investment Management Guidelines

Ministry of Finance and National Planning, Zambia

This guideline provides the framework for effective and efficient management of public investment projects and the use of public resources. The objectives of this guide include clarifying the roles of stakeholders and institutions involved in public investment, providing a standardised approach for public investment management and ensuring the implementation of viable projects in line with national priorities and objectives.

Zambia 2019 Economy

Economic Recovery Programme: 2020 -2023

Ministry of Finance and National Planning, Zambia

This policy is formulated to address the economic impact of Covid-19 and to restore macroeconomic stability, sustainable debt level, to reinvigorate economic growth and to ensure adequate social protection for citizens affected by the pandemic. One of the targets of the programme is to achieve a real GDP growth rate of above 3 per cent by 2022.

Zambia 2020 Economy

The Zambia Law Development Commission (Amendment) Bill, 2019

Ministry of Finance and National Planning, Zambia

An Act to amend the Zambia Law Development Commission. It amends the principal Act by deleting the words “ Commissioner ” and “Commissioners ” wherever the words appear and substituting the words with “ member ” and “members” respectively.

Zambia 2019 Economy

Seventh National Development Plan 2017-2021

Ministry of Finance and National Planning, Zambia

The goal of the plan is to create a diversified and resilient economy for sustained growth and socio-economic transformation driven, among others, by agriculture. Furthermore, it responds to the Smart Zambia transformation agenda 2064 and embeds in it the economic recovery necessary for the actualisation of a Smart Zambia.

Zambia 2017 Economy

Sixth National Development Plan 2011-2015

Ministry of Finance and National Planning, Zambia

This plan seeks to attain the following objectives: accelerate infrastructure development, economic growth and diversification; promote rural investment and accelerate poverty reduction and enhance human development. Pursuant to these objectives, the Plan focuses on policies, strategies and programmes that will contribute significantly to addressing the challenges of realising broad-based pro-poor growth, employment creation and human development.

Zambia 2011 Economy

National Intellectual Property Policy Implementation Plan 2010-2014

Ministry of Finance and National Planning, Zambia

This document provides the implementation plan of the National Intellectual Property (IP) Policy. The IP covers the period of 2010 – 2014 and is closely aligned to the Government initiatives outlined in the Sixth National Development Plan and Vision 2030 as well as other related policies and laws. It provides concrete areas of work for the active support and participation of all key stakeholders in intellectual property system based on formidable partnerships and provision of an enabling environment to ensure that IP contributes effectively towards economic growth and development.

Zambia 2010 Economy

The National Industrial Policy

Ministry of Finance and National Planning, Zambia

This policy focuses on eight (8) manufacturing sub-sectors as priority drivers of industrialisation. They include processed foods; textiles and garments; engineering products; wood and wood products; leather and leather products; mineral (metallic and non-metallic) processing and products (beneficiation); pharmaceuticals; and blue economy.

Zambia 2018 Economy

National Local Content Strategy 2018-2022

Ministry of Finance and National Planning, Zambia

The primary aim of this strategy is to promote inclusive growth and sustainable development through value addition by increased utilization of locally available goods and services in growth sectors.

Zambia 2018 Economy

Ministry of National Development Plan: National Monitoring and Evaluation Policy

Ministry of Finance and National Planning, Zambia

This policy is organized into eight (8) sections. Section 1 covers the introduction, Section 2 presents a situation analysis of the current national M&E processes, Section 3 provides the national vision for M&E, Section 4 covers the rationale for the Policy, Section 5 presents the guiding principles upon which the Policy is based and the objectives the Policy intends to achieve are covered in Section 6. Section 7 presents the measures for achieving the objectives and the implementation framework of the Policy is presented in Section 8.

Zambia 2019 Economy