Angola - 2022 - Utilities

Decreto Presidencial n. 122/22 - Aprova o Plano Geral de Desenvolvimento e Utilização dos Recursos Hídricos da Bacia Hidrográfica do Cuanza — PGDURHBH Cuanza

Angola, Ministry of Energy and Water

A presidential decree No. 122/22 that approves the general plan for the development and use of water resources in the Kwanza hydrographic basin (PGDURHBH Kwanza).

Process Flow



Ahmad Lawan

Senate President

National Assembly


Muhammadu Buhari

President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

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Decreto Presidencial n. 122/22 - Aprova o Plano Geral de Desenvolvimento e Utilização dos Recursos Hídricos da Bacia Hidrográfica do Cuanza — PGDURHBH Cuanza Current Version

January 2022

A presidential decree No. 122/22 that approves the general plan for the development and use of water resources in the Kwanza hydrographic basin (PGDURHBH Kwanza).