Angola - 2020 - Agriculture and Rural Development

Decreto Presidencial n. 227/20 - Plano Integrado de Aceleração da Agricultura e Pesca Familiar 2020/2022 (PIAAPF-2020/2022)

Angola, Ministry of Agriculture

This Presidential Decree approves the Integrated Plan for the Improvement of Family Farming and Fisheries 2020/2022 (PIAAPF-2020/2022).

Process Flow



Ahmad Lawan

Senate President

National Assembly


Muhammadu Buhari

President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

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Decreto Presidencial n. 227/20 - Plano Integrado de Aceleração da Agricultura e Pesca Familiar 2020/2022 (PIAAPF-2020/2022) Current Version

January 2022

This Presidential Decree approves the Integrated Plan for the Improvement of Family Farming and Fisheries 2020/2022 (PIAAPF-2020/2022).