Botswana - 1966 - Democracy and Governance

Emergency Powers

Botswana, Ministry of Mineral Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security

This is an Act to empower the President to make emergency regulations whenever an emergency proclamation is in force; to specify the matters which may be provided for in emergency regulations: to provide for the duration of emergency regulations: and to provide for matters incidental thereto or connected therewith.

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Abraham Oshadami

Head – Information Technology Department

Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC)


Ubale Ahmad Maska

Executive Commissioner – Technical Services

Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC)


Umar Garba Danbatta

Executive Vice Chairman of the Board of Commissioners

Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC)

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Emergency Powers Current Version

January 2022

This is an Act to empower the President to make emergency regulations whenever an emergency proclamation is in force; to specify the matters which may be provided for in emergency regulations: to provide for the duration of emergency regulations: and to provide for matters incidental thereto or connected therewith.