Ethiopia - 2017 - Finance

Ethiopian Customs Guide

Ethiopia, Ethiopian Revenues and Customs Authority

The import and export atmosphere in Ethiopia has been made complex due to the presence of many rules. The situation is worsened by the uncoordinated nature of these rules and the lack of awareness among the stakeholders involved in Ethiopia’s trade sector. This guide is therefore targeted at importers and exporters to raise awareness levels on the customs procedures guiding international trade in Ethiopia. “This is in line with the commitment of the Ethiopian Revenues and Customs Authority (ERCA), the government agency responsible for administering customs in Ethiopia, to ensure transparent, reliable and predictable customs services.”

Process Flow

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Ethiopian Customs Guide Current Version

January 2022

The import and export atmosphere in Ethiopia has been made complex due to the presence of many rules. The situation is worsened by the uncoordinated nature of these rules and the lack of awareness among the stakeholders involved in Ethiopia’s trade sector. This guide is therefore targeted at importers and exporters to raise awareness levels on the customs procedures guiding international trade in Ethiopia. “This is in line with the commitment of the Ethiopian Revenues and Customs Authority (ERCA), the government agency responsible for administering customs in Ethiopia, to ensure transparent, reliable and predictable customs services.”

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