Botswana - 1971 - Forestry and Wildlife

Fauna Conservation (Trophy Dealers) Regulations

Botswana, Ministry of Enviroment, Wildlife & Tourism

The Regulations impose a duty of trophy dealers to make returns in the form prescribed in the relevant schedule. The returns concern importation and exportation and local trade in trophies. Trophy dealers are also mandated to maintain a journal in the form prescribed in the relevant schedule. Trophies shall be marked by the trophy dealer under the regulations herein.

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Ahmad Lawan

Senate President

National Assembly


Muhammadu Buhari

President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

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Fauna Conservation (Trophy Dealers) Regulations Current Version

January 2022

The Regulations impose a duty of trophy dealers to make returns in the form prescribed in the relevant schedule. The returns concern importation and exportation and local trade in trophies. Trophy dealers are also mandated to maintain a journal in the form prescribed in the relevant schedule. Trophies shall be marked by the trophy dealer under the regulations herein.