Kenya - 1964 - Economy

Guarantee (High Commission Posts and Telecommunications Loan) (No. 3) Act

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

An Act to guarantee a loan of three million pounds sterling to be raised by the High Commission for certain purposes of the East African Posts and Telecommunications Administration; to facilitate the investment of trust and other funds in the United Kingdom or elsewhere in High Commission securities issued for the purposes of that loan; and for other matters relating thereto and connected therewith.

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Guarantee (High Commission Posts and Telecommunications Loan) (No. 3) Act Current Version

January 2022

An Act to guarantee a loan of three million pounds sterling to be raised by the High Commission for certain purposes of the East African Posts and Telecommunications Administration; to facilitate the investment of trust and other funds in the United Kingdom or elsewhere in High Commission securities issued for the purposes of that loan; and for other matters relating thereto and connected therewith.