Kenya Cultural Centre Act
Kenya, Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife
This is a parliamentary Act to incorporate the Kenya cultural centre and to confirm and extend its powers. The objectives of the cultural centre are to provide a centre for the use and enjoyment of the citizens of Kenya without distinction of race or creed, and to provide for the performance of music, drama and dancing, for the exhibition of works of art and craft and for the holding of meetings for discussion of matters of literary, historical, scientific or educational interest or importance, and such other purposes generally as may be approved by the council, not being incompatible with the objects hereinbefore expressed.
Process Flow
Kenya Cultural Centre Act Current Version
January 2022
This is a parliamentary Act to incorporate the Kenya cultural centre and to confirm and extend its powers. The objectives of the cultural centre are to provide a centre for the use and enjoyment of the citizens of Kenya without distinction of race or creed, and to provide for the performance of music, drama and dancing, for the exhibition of works of art and craft and for the holding of meetings for discussion of matters of literary, historical, scientific or educational interest or importance, and such other purposes generally as may be approved by the council, not being incompatible with the objects hereinbefore expressed.
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