Malawi National Strategic Plan for HIV and AIDS Sustaining gains and accelerating progress towards epidemic control 2020-2025
Malawi, Ministry of Health
This strategic plan has been developed to guide the national response to the HIV and AIDS epidemic as well as mobilize resources for effective implementation of interventions. The main goal of the policy is to address and reduce HIV and AIDS in Malawi. The main thematic areas of the policy include HIV testing services; treatment, care and support for HIV/AIDS and related diseases; reducing human rights and gender-related barriers; social and behaviour change communication; and resilient and sustainable systems for health.
Process Flow
Malawi National Strategic Plan for HIV and AIDS Sustaining gains and accelerating progress towards epidemic control 2020-2025 Current Version
January 2022
This strategic plan has been developed to guide the national response to the HIV and AIDS epidemic as well as mobilize resources for effective implementation of interventions. The main goal of the policy is to address and reduce HIV and AIDS in Malawi. The main thematic areas of the policy include HIV testing services; treatment, care and support for HIV/AIDS and related diseases; reducing human rights and gender-related barriers; social and behaviour change communication; and resilient and sustainable systems for health.