Botswana - 1977 - Mining

Mines and Minerals Act

Botswana, Ministry of Minerals, Energy & Water Resources

The Act regulates the law relating to Mines and Minerals. It provides for the granting, renewal, and termination of mineral concessions, and the payment of royalties. The act outlines the ownership of minerals and acquisition of mineral rights, administration and powers of authorized officers, reconnaissance permits, mining leases, financials, records, as well as regulations, offences, and penalties.

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Ahmad Lawan

Senate President

National Assembly


Muhammadu Buhari

President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

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Mines and Minerals Act Current Version

January 2022

The Act regulates the law relating to Mines and Minerals. It provides for the granting, renewal, and termination of mineral concessions, and the payment of royalties. The act outlines the ownership of minerals and acquisition of mineral rights, administration and powers of authorized officers, reconnaissance permits, mining leases, financials, records, as well as regulations, offences, and penalties.