Sierra Leone - 2007 - Health

National Health-Care Waste Management Policy (NHCWMP)

Ministry of Health, Sierra Leone

This policy provides the Standardised Operation Procedure as a safe means of disposing of the waste that is produced by healthcare interventions nationwide and includes healthcare associated waste generated within the patient’s home. It also provides prescriptive guidelines in the form of Standard Operating Procedures for safe handling, segregation, storage, collection, transportation and disposal of all waste generated within healthcare institutions in Sierra Leone.

Process Flow

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National Health-Care Waste Management Policy (NHCWMP) Current Version

October 2024

This policy provides the Standardised Operation Procedure as a safe means of disposing of the waste that is produced by healthcare interventions nationwide and includes healthcare associated waste generated within the patient’s home. It also provides prescriptive guidelines in the form of Standard Operating Procedures for safe handling, segregation, storage, collection, transportation and disposal of all waste generated within healthcare institutions in Sierra Leone.