Sierra Leone - 2011 - Health

National HIV/AIDS Operational Plan 2011-2012

Ministry of Health

This operational plan on HIV/AIDS is designed to guide stakeholders in the campaign against HIV/AIDS in the country. The core pillars of the plan encompass coordination; institutional arrangements; resource mobilization and management; policy, advocacy, human rights and legal environment; prevention of new infections; treatment of HIV and other related health conditions; care and Support for the Infected and affected by HIV and AIDS and research, monitoring and evaluation.

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National HIV/AIDS Operational Plan 2011-2012 Current Version

October 2024

This operational plan on HIV/AIDS is designed to guide stakeholders in the campaign against HIV/AIDS in the country. The core pillars of the plan encompass coordination; institutional arrangements; resource mobilization and management; policy, advocacy, human rights and legal environment; prevention of new infections; treatment of HIV and other related health conditions; care and Support for the Infected and affected by HIV and AIDS and research, monitoring and evaluation.