Protocol on Fisheries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Forestry,Ministry of Fisheries, South Africa
The protocol is based on sections of the treaty of the SADC enjoining member states to cooperate to foster regional development. The community recognizes the importance of fisheries to the social and economic livelihood of the people, improvement of food security, and alleviation of poverty. The objective of the Protocol is to promote responsible and sustainable use of the living aquatic resources and aquatic ecosystems of interest to state parties, to promote economic opportunities and livelihoods in the region.
Process Flow
Protocol on Fisheries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Current Version
January 2022
The protocol is based on sections of the treaty of the SADC enjoining member states to cooperate to foster regional development. The community recognizes the importance of fisheries to the social and economic livelihood of the people, improvement of food security, and alleviation of poverty. The objective of the Protocol is to promote responsible and sustainable use of the living aquatic resources and aquatic ecosystems of interest to state parties, to promote economic opportunities and livelihoods in the region.