Sierra Leone - 2016 - Home Affairs

Public Procurement Act, 2016

This Act makes provision for the continuation of the National Public Procurement Authority and to further regulate and harmonize public procurement processes in the public service. The Act aims to decentralize public procurement to various procuring entities. It also emphasizes promoting economic development by ensuring value for money in public expenditures and encouraging the participation of qualified suppliers, contractors, consultants, and other providers of goods, works, and services in public procurement.

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Public Procurement Act, 2016 Current Version

May 2024

This Act makes provision for the continuation of the National Public Procurement Authority and to further regulate and harmonize public procurement processes in the public service. The Act aims to decentralize public procurement to various procuring entities. It also emphasizes promoting economic development by ensuring value for money in public expenditures and encouraging the participation of qualified suppliers, contractors, consultants, and other providers of goods, works, and services in public procurement.

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