Botswana - 2018 - Aviation

Requirements for The Provision of Air Navigation Services

Botswana, Ministry of Transport and Communications

These requirements are part of the Civil Aviation Byelaws specifying the requirements necessary for the provision of Air Navigation Services such as air traffic services, search and rescue, air navigation services, communication services, meteorological services, and aeronautical information services.

Process Flow



Ijeoma U. Nwankwo

Director – Drug Evaluation & Research (DER)

National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC)


Moji Adeyeye

Director General

National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC)


Mahmuda Mamman

Permanent Secretary

Ministry of Health


Adeleke O. Mamora

Honourable Minister of State

Ministry of Health


Osagie Ehanire

Honourable Minister

Ministry of Health


Muhammadu Buhari

President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

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Requirements for The Provision of Air Navigation Services Current Version

January 2022

These requirements are part of the Civil Aviation Byelaws specifying the requirements necessary for the provision of Air Navigation Services such as air traffic services, search and rescue, air navigation services, communication services, meteorological services, and aeronautical information services.