9738 Results Found

Security Service Act, 1963

An Act to provide for the establishment and functions of a Security Service and to address related matters.

Ghana 1963 Defence and Security

Security and Intelligence Agencies Act, 1996

An Act to make provisions for the National Security Council, establish Regional and District Security Councils, designate certain state agencies responsible for implementing government security policies, address internal and external security matters of Ghana, and provide for related issues.

Ghana 1996 Defence and Security

Savannah Accelerated Development Authority Act, 2010

This is an Act to establish the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority to provide a framework for the comprehensive and long-term development of the Northern Savannah Ecological Zone and to provide for related matters.

Ghana 2010 Environment and Climate Change

The Sales Tax Act 1965

Ministry of Trade

This Act imposes a tax on the sale price or value of certain goods sold or distributed by wholesale dealers to other wholesale dealers or retail traders, provides for its collection and enforcement, and addresses related or incidental matters.

Ghana 1965 Trade, Industry and Investment

Wills Act, 1971

Ministry of Justice

This is an Act to regulate the making of wills and to give effect to provisions such as rules of construction, custody of wills and other related things.

Ghana 1971 Justice

Tax Administration Act

The Tax Administration Act provides the framework for the administration and collection of taxes in Tanzania.

Tanzania 2019 Finance

Tanzania-Zambia Railway Act

Ministry of transport

The Tanzania-Zambia Railway Act governs the operations and management of the railway system linking Tanzania and Zambia.

Tanzania 2002 transport

Tanzania-Zambia Pipeline Act

The Tanzania-Zambia Pipeline Act governs the operation of the oil pipeline linking Tanzania and Zambia.

Tanzania 2002 Energy

Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute Act

The Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute Act establishes an institute dedicated to conducting research on wildlife conservation in Tanzania.

Tanzania 2002 Environment and Climate Change

Tanzania Tourist Board Act

Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Ministry of Tourism

The Tanzania Tourist Board Act establishes the Tanzania Tourist Board to regulate and promote tourism in Tanzania.

Tanzania 2002 Tourism

Tanzania Telecommunications Corporation Act, 2017

Ministry of Information and Culture

The Tanzania Telecommunications Corporation Act, 2017 provides the legal framework for the operations of the Tanzania Telecommunications Corporation.

2017 Information, Communication and Technology