Crop Act
Kenya, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, and Irrigation
An Act of parliament to consolidate and repeal various statutes relating to crops; to provide for the growth and development of agricultural crops and for connected purposes. The objective of this act is to accelerate the growth and development of agriculture in general, enhance productivity and incomes of farmers and the rural population, improve investment climate and efficiency of agribusiness and develop agricultural crops as export crops that will augment the foreign exchange earnings of the country, through promotion of the production, processing, marketing, and distribution of crops in suitable areas of the country.
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Crop Act Current Version
January 2022
An Act of parliament to consolidate and repeal various statutes relating to crops; to provide for the growth and development of agricultural crops and for connected purposes. The objective of this act is to accelerate the growth and development of agriculture in general, enhance productivity and incomes of farmers and the rural population, improve investment climate and efficiency of agribusiness and develop agricultural crops as export crops that will augment the foreign exchange earnings of the country, through promotion of the production, processing, marketing, and distribution of crops in suitable areas of the country.
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