Decreto Presidencial n. 81/22 - Aprova o Plano Geral de Desenvolvimento e Utilização dos Recursos Hídricos da Bacia Hidrográfica do Zambeze, abreviadamente, (PGDURHBH Zambeze)
Angola, Ministry of Energy and Water
A decree that approves the general plan for the development and use of water resources in the Zambezi river basin (PGDURHBH Zambezi).
Process Flow
Anne Alliu
Director – Women and Gender Department
Ministry of Women Affairs & Social Development
Anthonia Akpabio Ekpa
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Women Affairs & Social Development
Dame Pauline Tallen (OFR)
Honourable Minister
Ministry of Womwn Affairs
Muhammadu Buhari
President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Decreto Presidencial n. 81/22 - Aprova o Plano Geral de Desenvolvimento e Utilização dos Recursos Hídricos da Bacia Hidrográfica do Zambeze, abreviadamente, (PGDURHBH Zambeze) Current Version
January 2022
A decree that approves the general plan for the development and use of water resources in the Zambezi river basin (PGDURHBH Zambezi).