Information and Communication Technologies Act 2009
Zambia, Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority
An Act to continue the existence of the Communications Authority and re-name it as the Zambia Information and Communication Technology Authority; provide for the regulation of information and communication technology; facilitate access to information and communication technologies; protect the rights and interests of service providers and consumers; repeal the Telecommunications Act, 1994, and the Radiocommunications Act, 1994; and provide for related matters.
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Information and Communication Technologies Act 2009 Current Version
January 2022
An Act to continue the existence of the Communications Authority and re-name it as the Zambia Information and Communication Technology Authority; provide for the regulation of information and communication technology; facilitate access to information and communication technologies; protect the rights and interests of service providers and consumers; repeal the Telecommunications Act, 1994, and the Radiocommunications Act, 1994; and provide for related matters.
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