Kenya Meat Commission Act
Kenya, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives
This is a parliamentary Act that establishes a commission to purchase cattle and small stock, and to acquire, establish and operate abattoirs, meat works, cold storage concerns and refrigerating works for the purpose of slaughtering cattle and small stock, processing by-products, preparing hides and chilling, freezing, canning and storing beef, mutton, poultry and other meat foods for export or for consumption within Kenya, and to confer certain exclusive rights upon the commission, and for connected purposes. The power of the commission shall include to acquire, erect, construct, establish and maintain abattoirs, meat works, ice and refrigerating works and cold storage concerns, and to operate the same for the purpose of slaughtering cattle and small stock, preparing hides and processing by-products and chilling, freezing, canning and storing beef, mutton, poultry and other meat foods and products and eggs, whether for export or for consumption within Kenya
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Kenya Meat Commission Act Current Version
January 2022
This is a parliamentary Act that establishes a commission to purchase cattle and small stock, and to acquire, establish and operate abattoirs, meat works, cold storage concerns and refrigerating works for the purpose of slaughtering cattle and small stock, processing by-products, preparing hides and chilling, freezing, canning and storing beef, mutton, poultry and other meat foods for export or for consumption within Kenya, and to confer certain exclusive rights upon the commission, and for connected purposes. The power of the commission shall include to acquire, erect, construct, establish and maintain abattoirs, meat works, ice and refrigerating works and cold storage concerns, and to operate the same for the purpose of slaughtering cattle and small stock, preparing hides and processing by-products and chilling, freezing, canning and storing beef, mutton, poultry and other meat foods and products and eggs, whether for export or for consumption within Kenya
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