National Park Service Act
Ministry of Agriculture ,Ministry of Rural Development, Nigeria
An Act to establish the National Park Service to be responsible for the preservation, enhancement and protection of wild animals and plants and other vegetation in national parks; and for matters connected therewith. It states the objectives of the service the protection of endangered species of wild plants and animals and their habitats, the establishment of an ecologically and geographically balanced network of protected areas under the jurisdiction and control of the Federal Government, implement relevant international treaties, agreements or other arrangements regarding, relating to or connected with protected areas and wildlife management to which Nigeria is a party, in so far as the power to implement those international treaties, agreements or arrangements is conferred on the service by the Federal Government.
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National Assembly ⬤
Office of the President ⬤
National Park Service Act Current Version
January 2022
An Act to establish the National Park Service to be responsible for the preservation, enhancement and protection of wild animals and plants and other vegetation in national parks; and for matters connected therewith. It states the objectives of the service the protection of endangered species of wild plants and animals and their habitats, the establishment of an ecologically and geographically balanced network of protected areas under the jurisdiction and control of the Federal Government, implement relevant international treaties, agreements or other arrangements regarding, relating to or connected with protected areas and wildlife management to which Nigeria is a party, in so far as the power to implement those international treaties, agreements or arrangements is conferred on the service by the Federal Government.
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