8770 Results Found

The Capital Market (Foreign Investors) Regulations

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

These regulations are for the participation of foreign investors in the Kenya Capital Market including registration of shareholders; declaration of investors status; report by listed companies; deposit of share certificate with an authorized depository; reports of authorized depository; and other related matters.

Kenya 2002 Finance

The Capital Market (Take-Overs and Mergers) Regulations

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

These regulations on take-overs and mergers cover take-over procedures, obligations of offeror in relation to offer, obligation of offeree in relation to offer, and other general regulations.

Kenya 2002 Finance

The Capital Market Act, 2000

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

This is an Act of Parliament for the establishment of the Capital Market Authority with responsibility for promoting, regulating and facilitating the development of the Kenyan capital market and for the effective and efficient operations of the Kenyan capital market as well as other related matters.

Kenya 2000 Finance

The Capital Market (Derivatives Markets) Regulations

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

These are the general regulations governing the derivative market in Kenya including licensing requirements and duties of the derivative exchange; clearing house of a derivative exchange; approval of derivative contracts; licensing of derivative brokers; conduct of derivatives business; inspection; market offences and penalties; and other general provisions.

Kenya 2015 Finance

The Capital Market (Licensing Requirements) Regulations

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

The regulations specify the licensing requirements for participants in the capital market including: securities exchange, stockbrokers and dealers, investment advisers and fund managers, investment banks, authorised securities dealers, disclosure of information, and other related provisions.

Kenya 2002 Finance

The Capital Market (Securities Lending, Borrowing and Short-Selling) Regulations

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

These regulations on securities lending, borrowing and short-selling specifies the criteria for lending and borrowing; individual qualification for lending and borrowing; securities lending and borrowing agreement; reporting of transactions; collateral for securities lending and borrowing transactions; rights and obligations of lenders and borrowers; securities permitted for short-selling; individual qualified to short-sell; requirement for short-selling; penalties for breach of regulations and other related provisions.

Kenya 2017 Finance

The Central Depositories Act, 2000

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

This is an Act of parliament for the establishment of central depositories and for their regulation and operation and other related provisions. The Act highlights provisions relating to immobilised securities; securities account and records; central deposit settlement and guarantee arrangements; and other general provisions.

Kenya 2000 Finance

The Insurance Act: Legislative Supplement

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

This legislative supplement contains several guidelines for the insurance sector including: valuation of technical provision for general insurance business guidelines; valuation of technical provision for life insurance business guidelines; and capital adequacy guidelines.

Kenya 2017 Finance

The Insurance (Investments Management) Guidelines

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

The objective of this regulation is to ensure effective and efficient management of insurers’ risk profiles, liquidity needs, liquidity profiles in line with international best practices and prudent investment management guidelines.

Kenya 2017 Finance

Budget statement for FY 2017/2018

Kenya, Ministry of National Treasury and Planning

The budget statement for the fiscal year 2017/2018 detailed the plan to achieve food security, affordable housing and taxation agenda for 2017/18 and beyond, ways of transforming sectors to create Jobs, fiscal policy and budget framework, taxation measures.

Kenya 2017 Finance

Guideline to the Insurance Industry on Insurance Risk

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

These guidelines follow the Insurance Act with the objectives of ensuring insurance companies and reinsurance companies are managed effectively in a manner that guarantee effective and efficient risk management system. The guidelines outline the principles for identifying, assessing and mitigating risk in the insurance sector and procedures to limit the exposure of insurers to insurance risk.

Kenya 2013 Finance

Guideline to the Insurance Industry on Reinsurance Arrangements

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

This guideline on reinsurance arrangement follows the Insurance Act and aims to ensure insurer and insurance intermediaries have a reinsurance management framework that would assist in limiting wide fluctuations in underwriting results.

Kenya 2013 Finance

Guideline on Risk Management and Internal Controls

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

This guideline aim to ensure insurance and reinsurance companies implement a prudent and effective risk management and internal controls system.

Kenya Finance

Guideline to the Insurance Industry on the Actuarial Function

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

This guideline aim to ensure insurance and reinsurance companies implement a prudent and effective acturial function regarding pricing activities and compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements.

Kenya 2013 Finance

Guideline on Valuation of Technical Liabilities for General Insurers

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

This guideline outlines: the principles for measuring and reporting insurance liabilities by insurers; procedure for appropriate valuation of insurance liabilities; and the responsibilities for insurer’s board and senior management for the appropriate valuation of insurer’s liabilities.

Kenya 2013 Finance

Guidelines on Financial Resource Requirements for Market Intermediaries

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

These guidelines outline the requirements to be adhered to by market intermediaries in Kenya to foster the implementation of Risk-Based Supervision. Key sections of the document are requirements for liquid assets and the ranking of liabilities.

Kenya 2012 Finance

Budget Summary 2015

Kenya, Ministry of National Treasury and Planning

This is a budget summary for the fiscal year 2015 in accordance with the constitution of Kenya. It highlights the underlying assumptions underpinning the fiscal year 2015/16 and medium-term expenditure framework budget; fiscal policy framework for FY 2015/16 and medium-term expenditure framework; the fiscal Year 2015/2016 budget.

Kenya 2015 Finance

Guideline on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing in the Capital Markets

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

This guideline outlines the procedures for customer identification; customer due diligence; record keeping; new technology and non-face to face transactions; reporting requirements; the role of the capital market authority; internal policies, compliance and training requirements; audit; tipping off; reliance on third parties and combating the financing of terrorism.

Kenya 2012 Finance

Guideline on Insurance Products for Insurance Companies and Intermediaries

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

This guideline follows the Insurance Act and aims to ensure insurance products sold by insurance companies and insurance intermediaries are not exploitative to the consumers and serve the purpose for which it is sold, i.e., consumers should be fully aware of product design, pricing, marketing, and other necessary disclosures.

Kenya 2012 Finance