9163 Results Found

Access to Information Act

Kenya, Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology

This parliamentary Act gives effect to Article 35 of the constitution to confer on the commission on administrative justice the oversight and enforcement functions and powers and for connected purposes. It has an objective to provide a framework for public entities and private bodies to proactively disclose information that they hold and to provide information on request in line with the constitutional principles.

Kenya 2016 Information, Communication and Technology

Books and Newspapers Act 1980 (Revised Edition 2009)

Kenya, Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology

This is a parliamentary Act that provides for the registration and deposit of books and newspapers, for the printing of books and newspapers, for the execution of bonds by printers and publishers of newspapers, and for matters connected. It emphasizes that no person shall print any newspaper in Kenya, and no person shall publish any newspaper printed in the colony, unless there is in force, duly executed, registered and delivered by him to the registrar in the manner prescribed in this document.

Kenya 1980 Information, Communication and Technology

Commissions of Inquiry Act

Kenya, Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology

This parliamentary Act that provides for the appointment of commissioners to inquire into and report on matters of a public nature referred to them by the president, to prescribe their powers, privileges and duties, and to provide for other matters connected. It defines the duties of the commissioners and power of commissioner to regulate proceedings.

Kenya 1963 Information, Communication and Technology

Computer Misuse and Cybercrimes Act

Kenya, Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology

This parliamentary Act provides for offences relating to computer systems; to enable timely and effective detection, prohibition, prevention, response, investigation and prosecution of computer and cybercrimes; to facilitate international co-operation in dealing with computer and cybercrime matters, and for connected purposes. It establishes the national computer and cybercrimes coordination committee to advise the Government on security-related aspects touching on matters relating to blockchain technology, critical infrastructure, mobile money and trust accounts.

Kenya 2018 Information, Communication and Technology

Kenya Trade Remedies Act

Kenya, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives

This is a parliamentary Act that provides for the establishment of the Kenya trade remedies agency in Nairobi for the investigation and imposition of anti-dumping, countervailing and trade safeguard measures and for connected purposes. The agency shall investigate and evaluate allegations of dumping and subsidization of imported products in Kenya.

Kenya 2017 Trade, Industry and Investment

Industrial Property Act, 2001

Kenya, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives

This is a parliamentary Act that provides for the promotion of inventive and innovative activities, to facilitate the acquisition of technology through the grant and regulation of patents, utility models, technovations and industrial designs, to provide for the establishment, powers and functions of the Kenya industrial property institute and for purposes incidental thereto and connected therewith. It provides for the establishment of the Kenya industrial property institute in Nairobi. The institute shall control, supervise and administer the assets of the institute in such manner as best promotes the purpose for which the institute is established.

Kenya 2001 Trade, Industry and Investment

Kenya Leather Industry Diagnosis, Strategy and Action Plan

Kenya, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives

This document provides a detailed analysis of Kenya’s leather industry. It focuses on the challenges and recommends solution to them. It mentions that the leather sector’s costs of production are subsidized to the extent that government policies (and their poor enforcement) fail to force producers to internalize environmental and social costs associated with sustaining the sector, including most importantly, water resource clean up, long term health care, and natural resource replenishment costs.

Kenya 2016 Trade, Industry and Investment

Kenya Maritime Authority Act Revised Edition 2012 [2006]

Kenya, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives

This is a parliamentary Act that provides for the establishment of the Kenya maritime authority as a body with the responsibility to monitor, regulate and coordinate activities in the maritime industry, and for all other matters connected therewith and incidental thereto. The principal objectives of the Authority are to regulate, coordinate and oversee maritime affairs.

Kenya 2012 Trade, Industry and Investment

Landlord and Tenant (Shops, Hotels and Catering Establishments) Act

Kenya, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives

This is a parliamentary Act that makes provision with respect to certain premises for the protection of tenants of such premises from eviction or from exploitation and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto.

Kenya 2015 Trade, Industry and Investment

The Micro and Small Enterprises Act, 2012

Kenya, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives

This is a parliamentary Act that provides for the promotion, development, and regulation of micro and small enterprises; to provide for the establishment of the micro and small enterprises authority, and for connected purposes. Regulation 5 emphasizes that every association or umbrella organization which intends to be registered under this act shall, within twenty-eight days after its formation, make an application to the registrar for registration under this Act.

Kenya 2012 Trade, Industry and Investment

Law of Contract Act

Kenya, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives

This is a parliamentary Act to apply the English common law of contract to Kenya, with certain modifications.

Kenya 2012 Trade, Industry and Investment

Local Manufactures (Export Compensation) Act

Kenya, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives

This is a parliamentary Act that provides for compensatory payments to be made in respect of certain locally manufactured goods which are exported from Kenya and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto. It emphasizes that subject to this act, a person who exports eligible goods shall be paid by or on behalf of the commissioner a compensatory payment; provided that no compensatory payment shall be paid by or on behalf of the commissioner in respect of the exportation of eligible goods.

Kenya 2012 Trade, Industry and Investment

National Ocean and Fisheries Policy

Kenya, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, and Irrigation

The National Ocean and Fisheries Policy aims to enhance the fisheries sector’s contribution to employment and revenue generation through private, public and community partnerships. The policy provides a historical background of the Kenyan fisheries sector and fisheries resources in various water bodies. It explores the challenges and opportunities, including the lack of legal and institutional framework, which results in inadequate fisheries management and unsustainable utilization of fisheries resources. The document provides the policy objectives, strategies and monitoring & evaluation framework that guide the annual evaluation of progress.

Kenya 2008 Agriculture and Rural Development

Wheat Development Authority Order

Kenya, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, and Irrigation

An authority was established to boost wheat production in the following areas of operation in Kenya: Narok District, Kajiado District, Kiambu District, Nyeri District, Meru District.

Kenya 1968 Agriculture and Rural Development

Kenya's Industrial Transformation Programme

Kenya, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives

This document was developed in alignment with the Kenya vision 2030 to boost local production, expand to the regional market and take advantage of global market niches. This strategic plan identifies six challenges faced by the sector. Some of the challenges include infrastructure and land availability, skills and capabilities in priority sectors etc. It also outlines a five-point strategy to achieve the stated objectives: developing Kenyan small and medium enterprises (SMEs), creating an industrial development fund etc.

Kenya 2015 Trade, Industry and Investment

Land Registration Act

Kenya, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives

This is a parliamentary Act to revise, consolidate and rationalize the registration of titles to land, to give effect to the principles and objects of devolved government in land registration, and for connected purposes

Kenya 2012 Trade, Industry and Investment

Co-operative Policy

Kenya, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives

This policy replaces sessional paper no. 6 of 1997, on “co-operatives in a liberalized economic environment”. The policy highlights the historical background of the co-operative sector worldwide and more specifically in Kenya and explains why it remains an important contributor towards industrialization and economic development of the country as expounded in Kenya vision 2030. The objective of this policy is to promote sustainable and competitive co-operative societies for an enhanced role in industrialization and improved social economic development. It identifies the challenges facing the co-operative movement including legal framework, low market access, technology adoption and ever evolving governance issues.

Kenya 2019 Trade, Industry and Investment

Public Procurement and Disposal (Public Private Partnerships), Regulations 2008.

Kenya, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives

This regulatory document defines public private partnership as a written contract recording the terms of a public private partnership concluded between a procuring entity and a private party. Subject to provisions of these regulations and the act, a procuring entity may enter into any of the following public private partnership arrangement: management contract whereby a procuring entity awards a private party the responsibility to manage and perform a specific service, within well-defined specifications for a specified period of time not to exceed five years and the procuring entity retains ownership and control of all facilities and capital assets and properties; a lease whereby the private party pays the procurement entity rent and manages, operates and maintains the facility and receives fees or charges from consumers for the provision of the service for specified time not exceeding fifteen years etc.

Kenya 2009 Trade, Industry and Investment

The State Corporations Act Chapter 446 Revised Edition 1987

Kenya, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives

This is a parliamentary Act that makes provision for the establishment of state corporations: for control and regulation of state corporations; and for connected purposes. Rule 8 emphasizes that after the commencement of this Act the board of every state corporation shall meet not less than four times in every financial year and not more than four months shall elapse between the date of one meeting and the date of the next meeting.

Kenya 1987 Trade, Industry and Investment

National Industrialization policy 2012-2030

Kenya, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives

This framework was designed to promote and sustain a vibrant, globally competitive and diversified industrial sector for generation of wealth and employment through the creation of an enabling environment. The policy is focused on addressing the factors affecting the industrial sector, exploiting the strengths and opportunities arising from regional integration and globalization, and positioning the industrial sector to become the leading investment destination in Africa to take advantage of investment flows. Chapter four of this document comprises of the broad policy intervention areas and respective policy measures to be undertaken, and chapter five comprises of the policy implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

Kenya 2012 Trade, Industry and Investment