9571 Results Found
Rural Development Policy and Strategies
Ethiopia, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development
This policy is directed towards addressing the country’s grave food security condition. It recognises the need to prioritize agriculture to drive the rapid and sustained growth of the economy. It also strives to actively mobilize rural citizens as they make up the bulk of the country’s working population.
Ethiopia • 2003 • National Development
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Rural Land Administration and Land Use Proclamation
Council of Ministers/Agriculture, Ethiopia
This Proclamation provides for a new system of administration for rural land management and use and sustainable rural land use planning based on the different agro-ecological zones of the country necessary for the conservation and development of natural resources. This Proclamation shall apply to any rural land in Ethiopia. The Proclamation, among other things: provides rules relative to acquisition and use of rural land by peasant farmers or pastoralists, transfer of rural land use rights, distribution of rural land, resolution of disputes, restrictions on the use of rural land; and defines responsibilities of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and Regions.
Ethiopia • 2005 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Settlement Authority Establishment Proclamation
Council of Ministers/Council of Ministers, Ethiopia
The settlement authority is established as an autonomous public authority. The proclamation defines Settlement as the act of establishing people in agriculture or related activities, while a settler is defined as any person whom the authority settles. It highlights the capacities of the authority, its powers and duties, organization structure, board members and their meetings, as well as the objectives of the authority.
Ethiopia • 1976 • National Development
Public Ownership of Rural Lands Proclamation
Council of Ministers/Council of Ministers, Ethiopia
The Proclamation stipulates that all rural lands shall be the collective property of the Ethiopian people. It abolishes private ownership of rural land and declares that Peasant Associations are in charge of the redistribution, cultivation, administration etc. of rural lands. The Proclamation details: Public Ownership of Rural Lands, Establishment of Associations for the Implementation of the Proclamation, Powers and Functions of the Minister of Land Reform and Administration, Communal and Nomadic Lands, and General Provisions.
Ethiopia • 1975 • National Development
Development Conservation and Utilization of Wildlife Proclamation
Council of Ministers/Agriculture Rural Development, Ethiopia
The proclamation has the following objectives: to drive the conservation, management, development, and subsequent utilization of the wildlife resources in the country; to create conditions necessary for discharging government obligations assumed under treaties regarding the conservation, development, and utilization of wildlife; and to ensure the effective promotion of tourism based on wildlife. The proclamation also seeks to facilitate private sector participation in the sector.
Ethiopia • 2007 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Cooperatives Commission Establishment Proclamation
Council of Ministers/Rural Development, Ethiopia
The 274th proclamation of 2002 establishes the cooperatives commission as an autonomous federal government organ. The commission shall be accountable to the ministry of rural development. The objective of the Commission is to enable rural and urban working people to solve the economic and social problems they face by themselves and become self-reliant by being organized in cooperatives different in type and standard depending on the local resources”.”””
Ethiopia • 2002 • National Development
Water Resources Development Fund Establishment and Administration (Amendment) Proclamation
Council of Ministers/water, irrigation, and energy, Ethiopia
This proclamation is an amendment to the Water Resources Development Fund Establishment and Its Administration Proclamation of 2002.
Ethiopia • 2008 • Utilities
Commercial Registration and Licensing Proclamation
Council of Ministers/trade and industry, Ethiopia
This Proclamation applies to business persons, sectoral associations, commercial representatives and any other person engaged in commercial activities other than those specified under Article 21(4) of this Proclamation. It specifies the powers and duties of relevant authorities, including the ministry of trade and industry. It also sets out the commercial register, registration and conduction of commercial register, trade name registration, and business licenses, among others.
Ethiopia • 2016 • Trade, Industry and Investment
“Ethiopian Geospatial Information Agency Re-establishment Proclamation
Council of Ministers/National Planning Commission, Ethiopia
This proclamation applies to all Geospatial information, except Geospatial information related to military and National security. The government of Ethiopia recognises the importance of geospatial information in driving the sustainable development of the country. The proclamation thus establishes the Ethiopian Geospatial Information Agency as an autonomous Federal Government Office having its legal personality. The Agency shall be accountable to the National Planning commission. It details the core objectives of the agency, the powers and duties of the commission, and organization structure, among others. The agency is to coordinate and harmonise all geospatial activities and act as a central archive for all geospatial data, imagery, and other geospatial information.
Ethiopia • 2018 • Science and Technology
Business Mortgage Proclamation
Council of Ministers/trade and industry, Ethiopia
The business mortgage proclamation of 1998 specifies that To mortgage a business, the business must be registered and given a business license by the appropriate Federal or Regional authority. The proclamation sets out procedures for keeping a register, application for registration, selling of business mortgage by auction, as well as other miscellaneous provisions.
Ethiopia • 1998 • Trade, Industry and Investment
Ethiopian Valleys Development Studies Authority Establishment Proclamation
Council of Ministers/Environmental Protection Authority, Ethiopia
The proclamation establishes the Ethiopian valleys development studies authority as an autonomous public authority. The Authority shall be accountable to the chairman of the council of ministers. The Authority is charged with conducting research and surveys on the natural resources of the country, preparing development master plans, as well as carrying out surveys on transboundary rivers and the general environment.
Ethiopia • 1987 • Environment and Climate Change
The Southern, Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Regional State Food Security and Pastoral Development Coordination Office Establishment Proclamation
Ethiopia, House of Federation
This proclamation establishes the southern, nations, nationalities, and peoples’ regional state food security and pastoral development coordination office as an autonomous office. The office shall be the rallying point for the implementation of all activities pertinent to improving food security. It spells out the powers and duties of the office.
Ethiopia • 2001 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Ethiopia Commodity Exchange Authority Proclamation
Council of Ministers/Ministry of Trade & Development, Ethiopia
This Proclamation establishes the Ethiopia Commodity Exchange Authority as an autonomous public institution of the Federal Government. The authority is accountable to the office of the prime minister. The general objective of the Authority shall be to ensure the development of an efficient and modern (agricultural) commodities marketing system. The Authority may grant recognition to Clearing Institutions and Exchange Actors and recognize Exchange Actors Associations. The Act also provides rules relative to trading in commodities and requires Commodity Exchanges to set up a Settlement Guarantee Fund”.”””
Ethiopia • 2007 • Trade, Industry and Investment
Bamako Convention Ratification Proclamation
Council of Ministers/Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ethiopia
The proclamation to ratify the Bamako Convention. The Bamako Convention on the Ban of the Import into Africa and the Control of Transboundary movements and management of Hazardous Wastes Within Africa was adopted on 30 January 1991. The environmental protection authority is charged with the implementation of the convention.
Ethiopia • 2003 • Foreign Affairs
Control of Ozone Layer Depleting Substances Proclamation
Council of Ministers/Environmental Protection Authority, Ethiopia
This Proclamation provides for the necessary framework to implement the Montreal Protocol concerning a system for licensing the import and export of controlled substances listed in the Annexes to the Protocol. “The Proclamation specifies powers and duties of the Authority and requires federal or regional government organ empowered by law to issue a business license or to control imports to refuse, grant, renew, suspend or cancel trade licenses in tandem with the decision of the Authority to refuse, grant, renew, suspend or cancel authorization.
Ethiopia • 2011 • Environment and Climate Change
Coffee Quality Control and Marketing Proclamation
Council of Ministers/Ministry of Agriculture, Ethiopia
The Proclamation shall apply to any person, directly or indirectly involved in transactions of Ethiopian coffee quality control and marketing. It details the coffee quality control and transaction process, obligations of transacting actors, as well as other miscellaneous provisions.
Ethiopia • 2008 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Animal Diseases Prevention and Control Proclamation
Council of Ministers/Ministry of Agriculture, Ethiopia
The government of Ethiopia acknowledges the need to primarily prevent and control animal diseases to maximise their benefits. The becomes quite crucial owing to their wide range of use as draft power for agriculture, source of food, raw materials for industries, and foreign exchange. It details the necessary procedures for the prevention and control, powers and duties of animal health officers, movement of animals, animal products, animal by-products, and other miscellaneous provisions.
Ethiopia • 2002 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Ethiopia's Progress Towards Eradicating Poverty: An Interim Report on 2015/16 Poverty Analysis Study
Ethiopia, National Planning Commission
This poverty analysis report hopes to update the poverty index of the country, national, regionally as well as locally. The study uses data obtained from the Household Income Consumption and Expenditure (HICE) Survey and Welfare Monitoring Systems (WMS) in 2015/2016.
Ethiopia • 2017 • National Development
Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa Ratification Proclamation
Council of Ministers/Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, Ethiopia
This serves as the proclamation to ratify the protocol to the African Charter on human and peoples’ rights on the rights of women in Africa. The protocol was adopted in Maputo, Mozambique on 11 July 2003. The Ministry of Women and Children Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is given the responsibility to cooperate with other relevant organs to implement and follow-up the Protocol. It contains several reservations and declarations on the protocol.
Ethiopia • 2018 • Democracy and Governance
Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute Establishment Council of Ministers Regulations
Ethiopia, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
These regulations are to establish the Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute as an autonomous federal government office having its legal personality. The Institute shall be accountable to the ministry of environment and forest. It shall, among other things: Identity, import, adapt, utilize, and generate technologies that significantly contribute to forest development; coordinate the environment and forest research activities carried out by environment and forest research centres or higher education institutes. The institute shall also work towards mitigating environmental degradation, desertification, and extinction of species, among other things.
Ethiopia • 2014 • Environment and Climate Change