9491 Results Found
Estratégia de combate à pobreza (Strategy for Combating Poverty)
Angola, Ministry of Agriculture
This strategy addresses agricultural sector production systems in an integrated and balanced way across the related sub-sectors or disciplines, promoting increased agricultural production in a socially equitable manner through agricultural production intensification strategies.
Angola • 2005 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Programa de Extensão e Desenvolvimento Rural (PEDR) -Extension and Rural Development Programme (PEDR)
Angola, Ministry of Agriculture
The Extension and Rural Development Programme (PEDR) aims to contribute to poverty reduction and the effective integration of rural communities in the economic and social life of the country.
Angola • 2004 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Regulations No. 43/03 of 4 July 2003 on HIV/AIDS, Employment, and Professional Training - Decreto nº 43/03 por el cual se aprueba el Reglamento sobre el HIV/SIDA, empleo y formación professional, unofficial English translation
Angola, Ministry of Labour
This regulation establishes compulsory rules for employers, employment professionals, and training institutes regarding the mechanisms for the protection of HIV positive citizens and those affected by HIV/AIDS in the workplace and professional training, as well as the promotion of preventive measures against the spread and dissemination of HIV/AIDS.
Angola • 2004 • Labour
Decreto Presidencial n. 122/22 - Aprova o Plano Geral de Desenvolvimento e Utilização dos Recursos Hídricos da Bacia Hidrográfica do Cuanza — PGDURHBH Cuanza
Angola, Ministry of Energy and Water
A presidential decree No. 122/22 that approves the general plan for the development and use of water resources in the Kwanza hydrographic basin (PGDURHBH Kwanza).
Angola • 2022 • Utilities
Decreto Presidencial n. 81/22 - Aprova o Plano Geral de Desenvolvimento e Utilização dos Recursos Hídricos da Bacia Hidrográfica do Zambeze, abreviadamente, (PGDURHBH Zambeze)
Angola, Ministry of Energy and Water
A decree that approves the general plan for the development and use of water resources in the Zambezi river basin (PGDURHBH Zambezi).
Angola • 2022 • Utilities
Decreto Presidencial n. 140/20 - Aprovação da Estratégia Nacional de Saneamento Total liderada pelas Comunidades e Escolas em Angola 2019-2030 (ENSTLCEA)
Angola, Ministry of Health
A Presidential Decree No. 140/20 that approves the National Sanitation Strategy led by Communities and Schools in Angola 2019-2030 (ENSTLCEA).
Angola • 2019 • Health
Decreto Presidencial n. 227/20 - Plano Integrado de Aceleração da Agricultura e Pesca Familiar 2020/2022 (PIAAPF-2020/2022)
Angola, Ministry of Agriculture
This Presidential Decree approves the Integrated Plan for the Improvement of Family Farming and Fisheries 2020/2022 (PIAAPF-2020/2022).
Angola • 2020 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Decreto Presidencial n. 282/20 - Aprova a Estratégia de Exploração de Hidrocarbonetos de Angola 2020-2025
Angola, Ministry of Mineral Resources, Petroleum and Gas
This Presidential Decree approves the Hydrocarbon Exploration Strategy in Angola from 2020 to 2025
Angola • 2020 • Land, Housing and Natural Resources
Decreto Presidencial n. 253/20 - Aprova a Política Nacional de Medicina Tradicional e Complementar
Angola, Ministry of Health
This Presidential Decree approves the National Policy for Traditional and Alternative Medicine. The Policy aims at developing the practices of traditional and alternative medicine in the national health system in order to contribute to obtaining better results in health.
Angola • 2020 • Health
Decreto Presidencial n. 123/20 - Aprova o Programa Integrado de Desenvolvimento do Comércio Rural (PIDCR)
Angola, Ministry of Industry and Commerce
This Presidential Decree approves the Integrated Rural Trade Development Programme.
Angola • 2020 • Trade, Industry and Investment
Decreto Presidencial n. 52/19 - Aprova a Estrátegia Geral de Atribuição de Concessões Petróliferas para o período 2019-2025
Angola, Ministry of Energy and Water
This Presidential Decree approves the General Strategy for the Allocation of Oil Concessions for the period 2019-2025.
Angola • 2019 • Energy