9738 Results Found
Sectional Titles Act
Botswana, Ministry of Land Management, Water and Sanitation Services
This is an Act to provide for the division of buildings into sections and common property for the acquisition of separate ownership of sections coupled with joint ownership of the common property; the control of certain incidents attaching to separate ownership of sections and joint ownership of the common property; the transfer of ownership of sections and the registration of sectional mortgage bonds over, and real rights in sections; the conferring and registration of rights in and the disposal of common property and other matters connected with it.
Botswana • • Land, Housing and Natural Resources
Wildlife Conservation And National Parks (Lions) (Killing Restriction) Order
Botswana, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism
These regulations prohibit the killing of a lion but list the conditions required to kill a lion. The burden of proof where a lion has been killed with the penalties attached.
Botswana • 2005 • Forestry and Wildlife
Wildlife Conservation And National Parks (Cheetahs) (Killing Suspension) Order
Botswana, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism
This order suspends the killing of cheetah
Botswana • 2005 • Forestry and Wildlife
Educational Game Reserve Regulations
Botswana, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism
These regulations make provision for the general rules governing the reserve like management plan and time of entry among others
Botswana • 2004 • Culture and Tourism
Wildlife Conservation (Possession And Ownership Of Elephant Tusks Or Ivory) Regulations
Botswana, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism
These regulations applies to the discovery, ownership and transfer of elephant tusks or ivory
Botswana • 1999 • Forestry and Wildlife
Petroleum (Exploration And Production) Act
Botswana, Ministry of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas
This is an Act to make provision relating to the exploration for and exploitation of petroleum resources and for purposes incidental thereto.
Botswana • 1983 • Environment and Climate Change
Branding Of Cattle (Amendment) Act
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
This Act amends section 13 of the Branding of Cattle Act.
Botswana • 1996 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Public Authorities (Functions) Act
Botswana, Government
This is an Act to provide for the exercise of functions by the President, Ministers, public officers, public bodies and other authorities and matters connected therewith. It provides for the establishment and dissolution of public bodies.
Botswana • 1984 • Democracy and Governance
Delegation Of Functions (Directions To Land Boards) Order
Botswana, Ministry of Land Management, Water and Sanitation Services
This Order applies to the delegation of power to the Minister of Lands and Housing to give directions of a general or specific character to any land board in the formulation of policy relating to the exercise of its functions under the Act,
Botswana • 2006 • Land, Housing and Natural Resources
Locusts Act
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
The Act relates to processes associated with the sighting of, and management of locusts in Botswana. It highlights the duty of land occupiers to notify authorities of locusts, steps to destroy locusts or eggs, and associated duties of land occupiers.
Botswana • 1923 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Customary Law
Botswana, Ministry of Justice
This is an Act to provide for the application of customary law in certain actions before the courts of Botswana, to facilitate the ascertainment of customary law and to provide for matters ancillary
Botswana • 1969 • Justice
Emergency Powers
Botswana, Ministry of Mineral Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security
This is an Act to empower the President to make emergency regulations whenever an emergency proclamation is in force; to specify the matters which may be provided for in emergency regulations: to provide for the duration of emergency regulations: and to provide for matters incidental thereto or connected therewith.
Botswana • 1966 • Democracy and Governance
Essential Supplies And Services Act
Botswana, Government
This is an Act to empower the President to make regulations to provide for the control and maintenance of essential supplies and services.
Botswana • 1973 • Democracy and Governance
Radiation Protection Act
Botswana, Ministry of Mineral Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security
This Act shall apply to any person or body of persons whose undertaking involves or includes generally the use of atomic energy and nuclear technology. It establishes the Radiation Protection Inspectorate. The Act provides for the safe use of atomic energy and nuclear technology.
Botswana • • Science and Technology
Radiation Protection Regulations
Botswana, Ministry of Mineral Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security
These regulations provide for the control and maintenance of radiation exposure.
Botswana • 2008 • Science and Technology
Administration Of Estates Act
Botswana, Ministry of Finance
This is an Act that makes provision for the administration of estates of deceased persons, minors, persons under curatorship, absent persons and all property given in trust by the deceased.
Botswana • 1974 • Finance
Tribal Land (Land Board Service) Regulations
Botswana, Ministry of Land Management, Water and Sanitation Services
These regulations make provisions for the Constitution and Abolition of Land Board Offices. The regulation established Land Board (Joint Staff Consultative) Council. The functions of the council include considering and advising the government on safety, health and welfare arrangements in the land board service, and advising on measures necessary for the furtherance of good relations between
government and the land board service among others.
Botswana • 2006 • Land, Housing and Natural Resources
Tati Concessions Land Act
Botswana, Ministry of Land Management, Water and Sanitation Services
This is an Act to confirm the Tati Concessions, Limited, in the full, free and undisturbed possession as owners of all the land usually known as the Tati District.
Botswana • 1911 • Land, Housing and Natural Resources
Fauna Conservation (Compensation For Destruction Of Livestock And Other Property) Order
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
This order specifies the amount of compensation payable to an owner whose livestock or another property has been destroyed by a predatory animal
Botswana • 1980 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Fauna Conservation (Driver-Couriers) Regulations
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
These regulations provide that no person shall be a driver courier except with written authorization
Botswana • 1974 • Agriculture and Rural Development