9738 Results Found
Land Survey (Training In Practical Survey Work) Regulations
Botswana, Ministry of Land Management, Water and Sanitation Services
These regulations make provisions for guidelines regarding practical training for recognition as a land surveyor.
Botswana • 1964 • Land, Housing and Natural Resources
Fencing Act
Botswana, Ministry of Infrastructure and Housing Development
This Act applies to areas published in the gazette as directed by the president. It provides for rules that guide fencing in the areas.
Botswana • • Infrastructure and Construction
Food Control Act
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
This Act established the National Food Control Board which shall advise the Minister on all matters arising out of the administration of the provisions of the Act, and perform such other functions incidental thereto. It provides for the power of the Minister to appoint analysts and guidelines for premises used for food.
Botswana • • Agriculture and Rural Development
Labelling Of Food Additives Regulations
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
These regulations provide for Labelling requirements of pre-packaged food additives which include country of origin, list of ingredients, name of food additives among others. It also specifies mandatory information to be included.
Botswana • 2003 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Labelling Of Prepackaged Foods Regulations
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
These regulations provide for Labelling requirements of pre-packaged food additives which include the name of the food, list of ingredients, country of origin, instruction for use, name and address of manufacturers among others. It also specifies mandatory information to be included.
Botswana • 2003 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Prohibition of Hunting Order
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
The Order prohibits the hunting of animals in the Kwando and Savuti controlled hunting areas. Concession holders are allowed to hunt in these areas only with permission from appropriate administrative authorities.
Botswana • 1991 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Matimela Act
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
This is an Act to provide for the collection and disposal of stray livestock in districts and elsewhere and to provide for matters incidental thereto. This act provides for the establishment of matimela kraals.
Botswana • 1969 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Meat Inspection And Control Of Public Abattoirs And Export Slaughter Houses Regulations
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
These regulations provide for the slaughtering of animals and the disposition of condemned meat. The regulations cover Meat Inspection and the Control of Public Abattoirs, Export Slaughter Houses and Butcheries.
Botswana • 1954 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Railway Land Act
Botswana, Ministry of Transport and Communications
These regulations provide that the areas of land which, before 11th March 1908, were the property of Chief Khama and are more particularly described in the Schedule and delineated on diagrams signed by the Chief in the year 1898 in the presence of the Assistant Commissioner at Palapye and filed in the Office of the President, shall from and after 11th March 1908, be transferred to and vested Copyright Government of Botswana in the Company for railway purposes.
Botswana • 1908 • Transportation
Townships Act
Botswana, Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development
This Act provides for the creation of townships and cities. It established the Township Authorities’ authorities have the power to make bye-laws which is subject to the approval of the Minister
Botswana • 1955 • Land, Housing and Natural Resources
Agricultural Resources Conservation (Harvesting Of Veld Products) Regulations
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
These regulations prohibit the harvest of veld products except for domestic purposes unless written authorization has been obtained from the required authority. It also provides for the penalty.
Botswana • 2004 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Branding Of Cattle (Branding Irons) Regulations
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
These regulations provide for the specifications of branding iron and prohibit the production of branding iron except the prescribed size.
Botswana • 1954 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Controlled Hunting Areas (Fees) Order
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
This order makes provision for where the controlled hunting areas fees shall be paid into.
Botswana • 1995 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Declaration Of Private Game Reserve Order
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
This order in its schedule declare some areas as a private game reserve and make guidelines regulating certain practices.
Botswana • 1992 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Declaration Of Private Game Reserves Order
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
This order declares some areas as a private game reserve and a list of the person entitled to hunt in the private game reserve.
Botswana • • Agriculture and Rural Development
Diseases Of Animals (Muzzling) Order
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
This order provides that The Director, veterinary officers, livestock officers and stock inspectors may order any dog or other species of Carnivora or monkey in Botswana to be isolated, muzzled or destroyed.
Botswana • 1954 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Botswana Meat Commission Act
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
The Act establishes the Botswana Meat Commission, to engage in the business of purchasing, slaughtering, preparation, and sale of products obtained of cattle. The commission is also charged with the promotion of interests of the livestock producing industry of Botswana.
Botswana • 1965 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Diseases Of Animals (Stock Feed) Regulations
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
These regulations provide for the manufacturing of stock feed, feeding of stock and waste disposal.
Botswana • 2004 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Land Tribunal Act
Botswana, Ministry of Justice
This act established the land tribunal. The land tribunal shall have exclusive jurisdiction regarding the matter before it in determining an appeal, not be bound by rules of evidence applicable in civil or criminal proceedings. There is a right of appeal from any decision of the land tribunal to the High court.
Botswana • 2014 • Justice
Wildlife Conservation and Nationsl Park (Prohibition of Sale of Snares and Traps) Regulation
Botswana, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism
These regulations prohibit the sale of traps and snares
Botswana • 2016 • Forestry and Wildlife