9738 Results Found
National Disaster Risk Managent Plan
Botswana, Ministry of Enviroment, Wildlife & Tourism
This plan is a step toward achieving Sustainable Development by ensuring disaster risk reduction implementation in the country. it addresses issues relating to man-made and natural hazards it provides a framework that guides stakeholders in all sectors in preparing their disaster risk reduction and emergency management plan.
Botswana • 2009 • Environment and Climate Change
National Policy on Disaster Management
Botswana, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism
This policy establishes optimum systems for dealing with disasters other than drought/famine in Botswana. The policy relates to the following; floods, veld fires, pest infestations, epidemics, animal disease, severe weather (including hailstorms and lightning strikes), refugee influxes, transport accidents, industrial explosion, urban fires, industrial pollution and chemical spillage.
Botswana • 1996 • Environment and Climate Change
Foot and Mouth Relief Fund Order
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
This order was made under the powers conferred on the Minister of Finance and Development Planning.
Botswana • 2014 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Moshupa Waterworks Area Order
Botswana, Ministry of Land Management, Water and Sanitation Services
The Order prohibits activities in the Moshupa Waterworks area related to new private connections, washing of vehicles by hose pipes, forms of irrigation or watering of gardens, use of water for major construction activities. The order also specifies the opening and closing hours for the waterworks, as well as offences and penalties for contraventions.
Botswana • 1992 • Utilities
Wildlife Consrvation and National Park (Prohibition of Hunting, Capturing, or Removal of Animals) Order
Botswana, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism
This Order revoked the Wildlife and National Parks (Prohibition of Hunting or Removal of Animals) 0rder, 2015. This order prohibits any person from hunting, removing or capturing animals from any area of Botswana.
Botswana • 2016 • Forestry and Wildlife
Kweneng District Council (Control of Livestock and other Animals) Bye-laws
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
The Kweneng Council made these bye-laws under the power conferred by the Local Government Act. It provides rules for keeping livestock, power to detain livestock, and cleaning of livestock in the district.
Botswana • 2016 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Control of Goods (Animal Feeds Additives and Growth of Promoters) Regulations
Botswana, Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry
These regulations provide that no person shall purchase, supply or sell hormones and estrogens, anabolic steroids, zearonal, antibiotic feed additives and animal feeds containing antibiotics to promote growth in any animal except with a written permit issued by the Minister responsible for agriculture or any public officer authorised by the Minister
Botswana • • Trade, Industry and Investment
Control of Goods (Import and Export of Agricultural Products) Regulations
Botswana, Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry
These regulations provide that agricultural products like banana, beetroot, butternuts, carrots, fresh milk, animal feed for poultry and livestock, maize, oranges, tomatoes, among others specified in the first schedule to this regulation shall not be imported except with the written permission of the authorizing officer. The regulation specifies the rules relating to the application and granting of the permit.
Botswana • 1985 • Trade, Industry and Investment
Control of Goods ( Restriction on Importation of Wheat Flour Regulations
Botswana, Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry
The ministry of industry and trade under this regulation is responsible for issuing a permit to import wheat flour into the country. It prohibits the importation of flour except with the written permit issued. Anyone who contravenes this regulation has committed an offence and is liable for the conviction specified.
Botswana • 1985 • Trade, Industry and Investment
Fish Protection Regulation
Botswana, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism
The Minister of Environment, Wildlife and Environment made this regulation. These regulations provide rules guiding fishing but they will not be applicable in a game reserve or national park.
Botswana • 2016 • Forestry and Wildlife
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
These regulations prohibit the manufacture, importation, usage, handling, storage, transportation, distribution and sale of anabolic hormones and thyrostatic substances for use in animals is prohibited.
Botswana • 2014 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Diseases of Animals (BSE Control (Removal of Specified Risk Material)) Regulation
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
These regulations provide that for the removal and disposal of specified risk material. Specified risk Materials is the brain, eyes, spinal cord, tonsils, the whole of an animal that has died on a farm, during transportation, or lairage, and any other part of a bovine animal that has been specified by the Minister as likely to be contaminated with the agent that causes Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE).
Botswana • 1987 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Diseases Of Animals (Declaration Of Stock-Free Zones) Order
Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security
This order declares the stock fee zones in its schedule.
Botswana • 1982 • Agriculture and Rural Development
Environmental Impact Assessment Act
Botswana, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism
Botswana • • Environment and Climate Change
Natural Resources Protection (Model) Bye-Laws
Botswana, Ministry of Enviroment, Wildlife & Tourism
It is stipulated that No person shall remove any natural resource from Council Areas except under the terms and conditions of a removal of permit”. The bye-laws contain an outline of the permit application and issuance procedures.”””
Botswana • 1992 • Environment and Climate Change
Fencing Regulations
Botswana, Ministry of Land Management, Water and Sanitation Services
The regulations provide guidelines on fencing
Botswana • 1962 • Land, Housing and Natural Resources
Fencing (Application Of Act) Order
Botswana, Ministry of Land Management, Water and Sanitation Services
The order listed the designated areas in the first and second schedules to the order.
Botswana • 1962 • Land, Housing and Natural Resources
Land Survey Act
Botswana, Ministry of Land Management, Water and Sanitation Services
An Act to provide for the survey of land in Botswana and to define units of land measure to be recognised in Botswana and for matters incidental thereto. It established the Land Survey Council and the Director of Survey and Land.
Botswana • 1959 • Land, Housing and Natural Resources
Consumer Protection Regulations
Botswana, Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry
The regulation makes provisions for the proper way to complain, the context of complaints with the proper accompanying documents, and how investigations are conducted. Any complaint regarding unfair business practice shall be forwarded to the Director.
Botswana • 2001 • Trade, Industry and Investment
Botswana Tourism Organization Regulations
Botswana, Ministry of Tourism
The Regulations regarding grading and grading certificate plaque are provided for.
Botswana • 2010 • Culture and Tourism