9738 Results Found

Plant Protection Act

Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security

This Act makes provisions for the establishment and functions of the National Plant Protection Organization. The organization shall perform the following function among others; implementation of the IPPC and the international standards for phytosanitary, issuing of phytosanitary certificates and import certificates, carrying out pre-clearance certificates among others. The minister has the power to appoint a plant inspector who will be responsible for inspecting plants, plants produce or other regulated articles under cultivation, and attend to such other matters as the NPPO may prescribe.

Botswana   Agriculture and Rural Development

Diseases of Animals Act.

Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security

The Act makes provisions guiding the prevention and control of diseases of animals. It regulates the import, export, and general movement of animals; while stipulating quarantine measures and procedures under certain circumstances. Under the act, animals are categorized as any bull, cow, ox, heifer, calf, sheep, goat, camel, horse, mule, donkey, pig, domestic fowl, and any other vertebrate animal or bird. It also covers any wild carnivore tamed and kept as a pet, guineafowl, pigeon, pea-fowl, dog, cat, and any other creature prescribed as an animal for this Act.

Botswana 1977 Agriculture and Rural Development

Plant Protection Regulations

Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security

Botswana 2009 Agriculture and Rural Development

Industrial Property Act

Botswana, Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry

The Act is the Industrial Property Act 2010. it provides for marks, patents and design with their designated office. The procedures guiding application, grant and registration of patent with the issuance of the certificate.

Botswana 2010 Trade, Industry and Investment

Industrial Property Act

Botswana, Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry

The Act is the Industrial Property Act 2010. it provides for marks, patents and design with their designated office. The procedures guiding application, grant and registration of patent with the issuance of the certificate.

Botswana 2010 Trade, Industry and Investment

Environmental Assessment Subsidiary Legislation

Botswana, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism

The Environmental Assessment Regulations. In this legislation, mass media include publicly exhibited posters, newspaper, radio, television, or other electronic media used for public communications. These regulations provide for the registration and certification of practitioners.

Botswana 2016 Environment and Climate Change

Statistics (Farming Production and Accounts) Regulations

Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security

These regulations relate to farmers. Farmers in the regulations mean any person who is, or at any time after the 1st July 1969, was, engaged in farming operations on his account on land registered in the Deeds Registry.

Botswana   Agriculture and Rural Development

Environmental Assessment Act

Botswana, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism

This Act established the Environmental Assessment Practitioner Board. It is an Act to provide for environmental impact assessment to be used to assess the potential effect of planned developmental activities to determine and to provide mitigation measures for the effects of such activities on the environment.

Botswana 2011 Environment and Climate Change

Environmental Assessment Regulations

Botswana, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism

These regulations provide for the environment plan and the registration, certification of practitioners and compliance with the code of conduct.

Botswana 2012 Environment and Climate Change

Sleeping Sickness Act

Botswana, Ministry of Health and Wellness

This Act makes provision for the sleeping sickness area, the restricted areas and those exempted, preventive measures in place and the administrative order for the prevention of the sickness.

Botswana   Health

Branding regulations

Botswana, Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry

These regulations make provisions for the registration of the brand.

Botswana 1969 Trade, Industry and Investment

Agricultural Charges (Fees) Regulations

Botswana, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security

These regulations provide for no fee being charged in respect of the registration or cancellation of a certificate of indebtedness by the registrar of deeds under section 5 or 6 of the Act.

Botswana 1967 Agriculture and Rural Development

National Biodiversity Strategy and Acon Plan

Botswana, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism

The strategy is been revised to bring it in line with the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). It also looks into the institutional framework supporting biodiversity conservation.

Botswana 2016 Environment and Climate Change

Botswana Strategy for Waste Management

Botswana, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism

This strategy was established for managing waste. And to ensure the sustainable and environmentally sound management of waste which would endure preservation, protection and improvement of the quality of the environment

Botswana 1998 Environment and Climate Change

Decreto Presidencial 313/20 - Plano de Desenvolvimento Nacional 2018-2022 (Revisto)

Angola, Ministry of Economy and Planning

This decree approves the Revised National Development Plan (NDP) 2018-2022. The NDP 2018-2022 is the second medium-term planning exercise carried out under the National Planning System in force and aims to promote the development socio-economic and territorial context of the country.

Angola 2018 Economy