8770 Results Found

The SACCO Societies Act, 2008

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

This is an Act for the establishment of the SACCO society regulatory authority and for the licensing, governance, supervision and regulation of the activities of SACCO societies.

Kenya 2008 Finance

Guidelines on Risk Management Practices for Deposit Taking SACCO Societies

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

This document highlights the risk management framework required for SACCO societies: strategic risk management, credit risk management, operational risk management, ICT risk management, liquidity risk management, market risk management, and compliance risk management.

Kenya 2015 Finance

Financial statement 2011/2012

Kenya, Ministry of National Treasury and Planning

This is the financial statement for the fiscal year 2011/2012(1st of July to 30th of June)

Kenya 2011 Finance

The Capital Markets (Real Estate Investment Trust/Collective Investment Scheme) Regulations

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

These regulations cover several aspect of real estate investment trust in Kenya including: the establishment of real estate investment trust scheme; authorization of real estate investment trust schemes; operation and management of real estate investment trust schemes; take overs and mergers of real estate investment trust; and other related matters.

Kenya 2013 Finance

The Insurance (Anti-Money Laundering and Combating of Terrorism) Guidelines

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

The objective of these guideline is to address prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism in the insurance sector. The document highlights: the responsibility of the money laundering and reporting officers; operational controls to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism; compliance policy; staff policy; customer due diligence; information of natural person, legal person, partnership and trusts; high-risk customers and other related matters.

Kenya 2020 Finance

The Insurance (Bancassurance) Regulations

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

These regulations are for the registration of bancassurance businesses and for the supervision of bancassurance businesses.

Kenya 2020 Finance

Betting, Lotteries and Gaming Act, 2018

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

This is an Act of Parliament for the control and licensing of betting and gaming premises; for the taxation of betting and gaming businesses; and for the authourization of public lotteries as well as other related matters.

Kenya 2018 Finance

The Betting, Lotteries and Gaming (Online Gaming) Regulations

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

These regulations apply to: online and mobile bookmakers, mobile and online lotteries shops, online and mobile casino operation, and other remote gaming and betting businesses. The regulations outline the terms and conditions, licensing and operation requirements for online gaming in Kenya.

Kenya 2019 Finance

The Capital Markets (Corporate Governance/ Market Intermediaries) Regulations

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

These regulations of corporate governance in the capital market outlines: requirements for the appointment of director, registration of directors; role, accountability and responsibilities of the board; code of conduct; corporate governance framework; responsibilities of stakeholders; internal audit; responsibilities for risk management; responsibility for internal control; and other related matters.

Kenya 2011 Finance

Public Service Superannuation Scheme Act, 2012

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

This is an Act for the establishment of the Public Service Superannuation Scheme for providing retirement benefits and compensations to employees of the public service. The Act outlines: the functions of the funds, management, administration, financial provisions and other related matters.

Kenya 2012 Finance

Renumeration Guidelines for the Public Sector

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

This document outline renumeration guidelines for the public sector including the renumeration structure, pay disparities, performance and productivity, productivity-linked pay, public-private sector renumeration balance, equity and fairness, equal pay for equal work, fiscal sustainability, and other related matters.

Kenya 2020 Finance

Revised Guidelines on Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

The objectives of these guidelines are: to ensure fiscal sustianability in public compensation; to attract skilled and competent workers in the public sector; to recognize and reward productivity in the public service; to ensure transparency and fairness in public compensations; and to ensure equal compensation for equal work in the public sector.

Kenya 2019 Finance

Salaries Renumeration Commission: Strategic Plan 2019/20 - 2023/24

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

This strategic framework highlights five key result areas to ensure fair renumeration in the public service, namely: fiscal sustainability of public service wage bills; renumerations and benefits; policy and legal framework; collaborations and partnerships; and institutional capacity.

Kenya 2019 Finance

Whistle-Blower Protection Policy

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

This policy by the National Social Security Funds is to ensure employees, employers and other stakeholders are supported and able to report cases of unethical and illegal practices. The policy statement outlines the process for making complaints; avenues for whistleblowing; processes for dealing with complaints; feedback to complaints; anonymity and confidentiality; and criteria for the protection of whistle-blowers.

Kenya 2021 Finance

The Tourism Levy Order

Kenya, Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife

The tourism levy order follows the Tourism Act of 2011 for the payment of levy by owners of tourism activities and services.

Kenya 2015 Culture and Tourism

The Tourism Fund Regulations

Kenya, Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife

These regulations cover matters related to the tourism fund including: tourism levy provisions; appointments of agents; accessing of tourism fund records; tourism training revolving fund; management of tourism fund; tourism fund disbursements; establishment of other tourism colleges; and other related matters.

Kenya 2015 Culture and Tourism

The Tourism Act

Kenya, Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife

This is an Act of Parliament for the sustainable development of the tourism sector in Kenya. Key sections of the Act include: the formulation of a national tourism strategy; establishment of tourism regulatory bodies; establishment of tourism research institute; establishment of financial bodies; establishment of the tribunal; tourism licensing, levy and tax provisions; penalties for breach of regulations; and other related matters.

Kenya 2011 Culture and Tourism

Privatization Commission: Anti-corruption Policy

Kenya, Ministry of Devolution and Arid and Semi-Arid Lands

This policy outlines a framework for prevention and detection of corruption in the privatization commission to ensure transparency, accountability, fairness, integrity, and professionalism in the privatization of public assets.

Kenya 2010 Democracy and Governance