8770 Results Found

Policy on Mentorship and Coaching in the Teaching Service

Kenya, Ministry of Education

The main objective of this policy by the Teachers Service Commission is to improve professional conduct, enhance performance, enhance the quality of teaching and for the attainment of better learning outcome through mentorship and coaching in the teaching service.

Kenya 2020 Education

The Teachers Service Commission Act, 2012

Kenya, Ministry of Education

This an Act for the establishment of the Teachers Service Commission outlining the composition, function, responsibilities, powers, management, registration and discipline of teachers, compliance with teaching standards, financial provisions, penalties for breach of regulations, and other related matters.

Kenya 2012 Education

Integrity Policy

Kenya, Ministry of Education

This policy outlines the guidelines on corruption prevention measures by employees in their delivery of service to the public with the goal of promoting good governance, transparency and accountability in public service delivery.

Kenya 2019 Education

Strategic Plan for 2019-2023

Kenya, Ministry of Education

The goal of this strategic plan is for the development of the educational sector. The objectives of this plan include: to improve teaching standards in public educational institutions; to enhance professionalism and integrity in the educational sector; to ensure efficiency in the use of teaching resources; to integrate ICT in curriculum delivery; and to improve efficiency and effectiveness of the Teachers Service Commission.

Kenya 2019 Education

National Social Security Fund Guide Book

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

This document is the official guide to the National Social Security Fund Act. The guide include: obligations of an employer; payment of contributions to the pension fund; obligations of an employee; how to apply for membership; and other related matters.

Kenya 2013 Finance

National Social Security Fund Act, 2013

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

This is an Act for the establishment of the National Social Security Fund outlining the procedure for membership and registration; benefits of the fund; management and administration of the fund; legal proceedings; and other related miscellaneous matters.

Kenya 2013 Finance

Allowance and Benefits Policy and Implementation Guidelines for the Public Sector

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

The goal of this policy is to ensure transparency, accountability and fairness in the payment of allowances and benefits. The policy applies to: fiscal sustainability of wage in Kenya; outlining the ratio of basic salary to gross salary; prevention of double payments; categorization of allowances; and other related matters.

Kenya 2021 Finance

Human Resource Development Policy for the Service

Kenya, Ministry of Devolution and Arid and Semi-Arid Lands

The objective of this policy is for capacity building in the public sector in Kenya in other to ensure: better public service delivery; to assimilate technology in the public service; promote training that meets the needs of the public service; and to improve the competency of public service workers.

Kenya 2015 Democracy and Governance

National Social Security Fund Regulations

Kenya, The National Treasury and Planning

These regulations provide for the registration of employers and employees including: mandatory registration, voluntary registration, members contributions, claims and payments, contracting out by employers, and other related matters.

Kenya 2014 Finance

Diversity Policy for the Public Service

Kenya, Ministry of Devolution and Arid and Semi-Arid Lands

The specific objectives of this policy include: to ensure an inclusive public service for all communities in Kenya, gender, ethnicity, as well as minorities and marginalized groups; to ensure the institutionalization of diversity in the Kenyan public service; and to provide a framework for effective monitoring of diversity in the Kenyan public service.

Kenya 2016 Democracy and Governance

Biosafety Act

Kenya, Ministry of Education

Parliamentary Act that regulates activities in genetically modified organisms and establishes the national biosafety authority. The Act provides for the establishment of authority, applications for approval & risk assessment, regulatory agencies, inspection and monitoring.

Kenya 2019 Education

The Civil Aviation Act, 2013

Kenya, Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Development and Public Works

This is an Act for the development, regulation and control of civil aviation in Kenya including the establishment of the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority specifying its functions, powers and management and other related matters.

Kenya 2013 Transportation

The Civil Aviation Regulations (Security)

Kenya, Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Development and Public Works

These regulations highlights: the functions of various public authority in relation to aviation security; security programme and committees; preventive security measures; management and response to unlawful actions; offences and penalties; the enforcement of regulations; and other related matters.

Kenya 2020 Transportation

The Civil Aviation Regulations (Rules of the Air)

Kenya, Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Development and Public Works

These regulations cover rules of the air including: responsibility for compliance with the rules of the air; pre-flights information; authority of the pilot-in-command of an aircraft; negligence or reckless operation of the aircraft; and other related matters.

Kenya 2018 Transportation

The Civil Aviation Regulations (Operation of Aircraft-Helicopter)

Kenya, Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Development and Public Works

These regulations contain the laws, regulations and procedures for: flight operations; helicopter performance and operating limitations; helicopter equipment and flight documents; helicopter commuication and navigation equipment; helicopter flight crews; flight dispatcher; cabin crew; exemptions, offences and penalties; and other related matters.

Kenya 2018 Transportation

The Civil Aviation Regulations (Aeronautical Search and Rescue)

Kenya, Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Development and Public Works

These regulation follows the Civil Aviation Act, and comprise: regulations for aeronautical search and rescue organisations; coordination and cooperation of aeronautical search and rescue services; preparatory measures; and operating procedures as well as other related matters.

Kenya 2018 Transportation

The Civil Aviation Regulations (Operations of Aircraft for Commercial Air Transport)

Kenya, Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Development and Public Works

These regulations are for the operations of aircraft for commercial air transport and comprise: general operation requirements; aircraft maintenance requirements; flight crews requirements; crew members duties and responsibilities; flight plan and traffic control clearance; aircraft operating and performance limitations; passengers and passengers handling; general provisions and exemptions; and other related matters.

Kenya 2018 Transportation

The Civil Aviation Regulations (Instruments and Equipment)

Kenya, Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Development and Public Works

These regulations on instruments and equipment covers: flights and navigation instruments; communication equipment; flight data recorder; emergency, rescue and survival equipment; general provision and exemptions; and other related matters.

Kenya 2018 Transportation